Electric Vehicle and Mobility Infrastructure Framework
Framework Overview
As part of the City of Chicago’s goals to reduce transportation carbon emissions and advance environmental justice, the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) is developing a framework plan to equitably advance Electric Vehicle (EV) and e-mobility infrastructure improvements in Chicago. This framework will serve as a roadmap for CDOT to evaluate, plan, and identify opportunities to create greater accessibility to EVs and e-mobility, streamline the regulatory and design process for public charging infrastructure deployment, and pilot curbside charging. Along with Chicago’s continued work to advance active transportation options like walking, biking, and taking transit, this EV and Mobility Infrastructure Framework will guide investments to support a more equitable and sustainable future for Chicago residents.
Project Timeline
Follow along! See below for an overview of the project timeline and milestones.
- September 2023: Project Start | Develop engagement strategy, design project website, and establish data collection
- October-November 2023: Engagement Underway | Publish website and EV Questionnaire, host stakeholder meetings, and data analysis
- December 2023-November 2024: Recommend Policy Interventions + Public Engagement Continues | Understanding the current parking and EV charging station landscape, EV Infrastructure Installation Process Map
- February-November 2024: Strategy Develops + Public Engagement Continues | Incorporate public input, complete design guidelines, develop criteria, host follow up meetings
- April-March 2025: Phase 1 Framework Results | Finalize summary reports and presentations, establish framework report, coordination to share draft report for public comment
- February 2025-Onwards: Begin Phase 2: Design a public right of way EV curbside charging pilot | Develop grant program guidelines | Finalize Phase 1 Framework Report and share publicly

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Map of electric vehicle charging stations
Click on the link below to find electric vehicle charging stations throughout the city of Chicago and beyond.
Electric Vehicle Charging Station Map Locator

Date: Tuesday, November 7
Location: Olive-Harvey College
Time: 6:00 - 7:30 p.m
Format: hybrid meeting - this is an opportunity for individuals to attend virtually
Date: Thursday, November 9
This meeting has been cancelled
Date: Thursday, November 16
Time: 6:00 - 7:30 p.m
Format: Virtual meeting via Zoom. After your RSVP, you will receive the Zoom link.
Date: Thursday, November 30
Location: Malcolm X College
Time: 6:00 - 7:30 p.m
Format: in-person

Contact Us
Reach out with any questions, additional comments, or suggestions via email to ChicagoMovesElectric@cityofchicago.org