Automated Enforcement
The City of Chicago has two automated enforcement programs: the Red Light Camera Enforcement program and the Automated Speed Enforcement program. These programs play an important part in the City’s on-going efforts to improve road safety for everyone in Chicago.
The City of Chicago first deployed automated enforcement in 2003, as one of a growing number of strategies and tools aimed at keeping our City’s streets safe for all roadway users. Analysis has shown that automated enforcement improves traffic safety overall, by reducing red light running and speeding and lowering the incidence of the deadly and serious crashes that result from these dangerous driving behaviors. Automated enforcement literally makes a difference in people’s lives. A pedestrian hit by a car traveling at 20 mph – the speed limit in school safety zones – has nearly a 90 percent chance of surviving the crash. That same person hit by a car traveling at 40 mph has only about a 20 percent chance of living. In Chicago, where pedestrians, bicyclists, and other vulnerable users share the roads with motor vehicles, reducing speeds, red-light running, and other forms of reckless driving will save lives.
Red Light Camera Program
The Red Light Camera Enforcement Program was developed and is designed to increase safety on Chicago streets by reducing the incidence of red light running, and the serious and fatal crashes that can result from red light running. Cities around the country, and throughout the world, have successfully used red light enforcement technology for many years to increase safety by discouraging dangerous driving behaviors at signalized intersections.
More information on the City’s Red Light Camera Program can be found on the Red Light Camera Program webpage.
Additional information is available on poster-boards created for public meetings explaining and seeking input on the City’s Red Light Camera Program.
Speed Enforcement Program
Chicago’s speed enforcement program is officially known as the Children’s Safety Zone Program. The program is designed to protect children, pedestrians, and other vulnerable roadway users in designated school and park zones by encouraging motorists to slow down, pay attention, and obey the posted speed limits. Safety zones are defined as the areas within 1/8th of a mile from the boundary of designated Chicago parks or schools.
For more information on the City's Children’s Safety Zone Program and speed enforcement cameras, see the Children's Safety Zone Program & Automated Speed Enforcement webpage.
Automated Enforcement Annual Reports:
As part of CDOT’s ongoing commitment to transparency in the City’s automated enforcement programs, the Department issues annual reports covering the operations of the two programs, beginning in the year 2014. To view the annual reports, click on the year below:
2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014
For more information on Automated Enforcement Program review processes and notices mailed out, please see the Department of Finance Frequently Asked Questions webpage.
Automated Enforcement Academic Study:
The City of Chicago Automated Enforcement: Analyzing Equity and Efficacy of Red-Light and Speed Cameras, a report by Dr. Stacey Sutton and Nebiyou Tilahoun, professors in the UIC Department of Urban Planning and Policy:
Automated Enforcement Academic Study - Executive Summary
Automated Enforcement Academic Study - Full Report
Most Recent News
- Jan 15, 2021
- Jul 3, 2018
Automated Speed Enforcement Cameras Activated in Response to Aldermanic and Stakeholder Requests Starting in July 2018
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