Interested in Serving on the Noncitizen Advisory Council
The Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability has established a Non-citizen Advisory Council (NAC), a volunteer group of Chicago residents who advise the Commission to ensure that the perspectives and experiences of non-citizen and new Chicagoans are represented in the Commission's work.
The Commission is actively accepting and reviewing applications to fill multiple vacancies on the Noncitizen Advisory Council (NAC).
All Chicagoans, regardless of immigration status, are encouraged to apply. We encourage non-citizen Chicagoans and those who advocate for the rights of non-citizens to be a part of the Advisory Council.
The Commission commits to preserving the privacy of all applicants. Applicants will not be required to disclose their immigration status or share private information voluntarily with any government agency.
The Noncitizen Advisory Council shall advise the Commission to ensure that:
- The perspectives and experiences of Chicago residents who are not United States citizens are reflected and incorporated in the Commission's work;
- Collaborate with the Department regarding the CAPS program and other existing or future Department-led community policing programs;
- Create operational policies and procedures for the Commission; and Monitor the Department's compliance with its policies.
The term for Noncitizen Advisory Council members is two years.