Supporting Information
1807-1815 N. Kimball Ave EPA Brownfields Cleanup Grant
1807-1815 N. Kimball Avenue U.S. EPA Brownfields Draft Cleanup Grant Application
Notice of Public Meeting and Solicitation of Public Comments
Being Safe Online
The Internet offers many benefits, including communicating with family and friends, applying for jobs, and accessing public and private sector services from anywhere. However, as is the case in the physical world, it's important to keep safety in mind while navigating the online world.
Brownfield Funding Opportunities
The Department of Fleet & Facility Management does not have funding available for brownfield redevelopment for private or not-for-profit entities; however, grant and loan funds are available from U.S. EPA and Illinois EPA.
CHA 13 (2019) 5150 Northwest Apts ERR November 2019
The following document is for a Chicago Housing Authority proposed development project located at 5150 N. Northwest Highway. 2FM is currently performing an environmental review of the proposed project under National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations.
CHA 24 - 39th State EA 12-24-2018
The following document is for a City of Chicago and Chicago Housing Authority proposed land swap and redevelopment project located at 3808 S. Dearborn. 2FM is currently performing an environmental review of the proposed project under National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations.
CHA 3 (2022) Roosevelt and Loomis ERR
The following document is related to a Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) proposed long-term lease undertaking known as the Roosevelt and Loomis project. The City of Chicago Department of Department of Assets, Information, and Services (AIS) is currently performing an environmental review of the proposed project under National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations.
CHA 3 (2023) Lathrop Homes Phase 1C
This information documents the determinations and compliance findings of the Environmental Assessment (EA) of the proposed Lathrop Homes redevelopment activities in Preservation Phase 1C. The EA was certified by the City of Chicago, as the Responsible Entity for federally funded activities to be undertaken by the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) under 24 CFR Part 58.
CHA DOH 2709-15 W Division ERR
The following document is for a combined Chicago Housing Authority and City of Chicago proposed multi-use development project located at 2709 W. Division St. AIS is currently performing an environmental review of the proposed project under National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations.
CHA North Park Village -5801 N. Pulaski August 2020
AIS is currently performing an environmental review of the proposed project under National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations at 5801 N. Pulaski
Carnotite Remediation
Carnotite Remediation Site and Monitoring Data
Casa Durango 2008-12 S. Ashland Ave
The following documents are related to a City of Chicago Department of Housing Multifamily Loan Program development at 2008-12 S. Ashland Ave. 2FM is currently performing an environmental review of the proposed project under National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations.
Chicago Brownfields Initiative
Brownfields, as defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), are “abandoned, idled, or under-utilized industrial and commercial facilities where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived environmental contamination.”
Chicago PAH Background Study
In 2001, the City of Chicago conducted a background study investigating certain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) concentration levels within City limits.
Chicago's Soil and Rubble Exchange
In order to facilitate the reuse of excess construction materials and further the City’s goals of recycling, the City launched
City Hall's Rooftop Garden
Chicago’s most famous rooftop garden sits atop City Hall, an 11-story office building in the Loop. City Hall and the adjacent Cook County building appear to most people as one building spanning a city block bounded by LaSalle, Randolph, Clark and Washington streets.
Commitment to Green Printing
Fleet and Facility Management's Graphic Services is committed to the environment and is making efforts to eliminate paper and toxic chemical waste, from design through production. We choose printing products that are environmentally friendly to help lessen factors that contribute to air, land and water pollution. Every job we print, design or photograph has been thoughtfully produced, keeping in mind our footprint on this planet.
Englewood Nature Trail
Englewood Nature Trail FY2025 U.S. EPA Brownfields Draft Cleanup Grant Application
Notice of Public Meeting and Solicitation of Public Comments
Former Carnotite Reduction Company
The ‘Former Carnotite Reduction Company’: Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) has issued 2FM a Radioactive Materials License for the possession and storage of radioactive material located on City property and in the public right-of-way associated with the Former Carnotite Reduction Company.
Groundwater Ordinance
In 1997, the Chicago City Council passed a groundwater ordinance prohibiting the installation of new potable water supply wells.
Humboldt Park United Methodist Church Adaptive Reuse
The City of Chicago proposes to provide project financing to the Latin United Community Housing Association for the preservation of twelve existing rental units and the creation of ten new affordable units located at 2120-28 N. Mozart St. 2FM is performing an environmental review of the proposed project under National Environmental Policy Act regulations and is acting as the Agency Official with respect to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.
Illinois Site Remediation Program
The Illinois Site Remediation Program (SRP) is a voluntary cleanup program for brownfield sites administered by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA).
Island Terrace Apartment
The City of Chicago Department of Housing (DOH) proposes to provide construction financing to Island Terrace Apartment for the rehabilitation of the current high-rise building located at 6430 S Stony Island Avenue in Chicago, Illinois.
Programmatic Agreement for Administration of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act
The City of Chicago, acting by and through its Department of Assets, Information, and Services, seeks to enter into a Programmatic Agreement with the Illinois State Historic Preservation Office and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation for the administration of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act for certain programs funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Request for Information
The City of Chicago (“City”), through its Department of Fleet and Facility Management (“2FM”), invites interested parties to respond to this Request for Information (“RFI”) regarding the City’s Franchise for Electricity Delivery.
Request for Information
The City of Chicago (“City”), through its Department of Fleet and Facility Management (“2FM”), invites interested parties to respond to this Request for Information (“RFI”) regarding the City’s Franchise for Electricity Delivery.
Request for Proposals (RFP) for City of Chicago Municipal Electricity Supply, including Renewable Generation
Request for Proposals (RFP) for City of Chicago Municipal Electricity Supply, including Renewable Generation - Specification No. 1209143
SACRED Apartments Multifamily Loan Program Historic Review
The City of Chicago Department of Housing (DOH) proposes to provide construction financing to The Interfaith Housing Development Corporation of Chicago/Claretian Associates, Inc. (IHDCC/Claretian) for the development of a five-story 81-unit residential building, parking, and amenities at 9216-38 South Burley Avenue and 3211-3229 East 92nd Street.
Soil and Rubble Reuse
Soil and Reuse, when it is appropriate, the City of Chicago will reuse soil and rubble instead of disposing of it in a landfill or quarry.
Sustainable Operations Plan
To lead by example, the City of Chicago has developed this Sustainable Operations Plan for conducting day-to-day operations at City facilities in a sustainable manner.
Water Well Survey
In 2007, the former Department of Environment (DOE) conducted a potable well survey to determine if active potable wells exist in and nearby the city limits. Information was obtained from the Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS) regarding all confirmed records of wells installed within the City limits of Chicago and 200 feet beyond.