Request for Proposals (RFP) for City of Chicago Municipal Electricity Supply, including Renewable Generation

On behalf of the City of Chicago (“City”), the Department of Fleet & Facility Management (“2FM”) is seeking an Electricity Sales Agreement (“ESA”) with an electricity supplier to meet the City’s municipal electricity requirements and renewable electricity generation goals. 



RFP Schedule Description Date*
RFP Issued September 4, 2020
Pre-Proposal Webinar  September 10, 2020
Request for Clarification Deadline September 21, 2020
City Responses to Requests for Clarification October 6, 2020
Proposal Due Date November 6, 2020
Respondent Interviews Multiple Dates
Selection of Selected Respondent December 11, 2020
Contract Awarded TBD
*All RFP schedule descriptions and dates are tentative and subject to change.