Belmont Avenue - Milwaukee to Kimball
Belmont Avenue - Milwaukee to Kimball

CDOT is partnering with Ward 30 and Ward 35 to implement Complete Streets safety improvements on Belmont Avenue between Kimball Avenue and Milwaukee Avenue as part of planned street resurfacing. This project will include bike, pedestrian, and transit upgrades and would be installed in 2024.
Project Goals & Infrastructure Highlights
Proposed improvements include:
- Shorter pedestrian crossings and increased visibility for people crossing Belmont Avenue with refuge islands and curb extensions.
- Concrete protected bike lanes to separate people biking from people driving and increase the safety of everyone on the street.
- Upgraded CTA bus stops to help improve bus operations and provide more space for transit users.
- Better organization of the street by clearly delineating space for all users of the street.
Project Location
Belmont Avenue from Milwaukee Avenue to Kimball Avenue.
- May 16, 2024, 6-7pm
- Virtual Meeting
- Materials
Construction Upcoming