Sanitary and Ship Canal TIF

Designation: 1991    Expiration: 2027

The Sanitary and Ship Canal TIF encompasses approximately 250 acres of industrial properties, storage yards and railroad right-of-ways along the Sanitary and Ship Canal, which opened in 1900 to carry shipping traffic and to alleviate pollution entering Lake Michigan from the Chicago River. Though the canal contributed to the Southwest Side's industrial vitality for much of the last century, ongoing industrial trends and the construction of I-55 next to the canal in 1965 prompted many landlocked companies to relocate. Encompassing portions of the Brighton Park and South Lawndale communities, the TIF is intended to reverse disinvestment trends by coordinating comprehensive redevelopment initiatives that are responsive to modern industrial trends and users. Funds are intended to facilitate rehabilitation projects, land assembly efforts, street improvements, utility upgrades, and other public works projects. Job training and relocation assistance are also supported by the TIF.


Redevelopment Plan (PDF)
Redevelopment Plan Amendment #1 (PDF)
Amendment #2
Designation Ordinance (PDF)
Annual Report (PDF)
Projection Report (Data Portal)



Sanitary and Ship Canal TIF district, roughly bounded on the north by 31st Street, 35th Street on the south, Campbell Avenue on the east, and Central Park Avenue on the west.



Hawthorne-Campbell Holdings


 National Wine Spirit

Supporting Information Facts