Lawrence/Kedzie TIF

Designation: 2000    Expiration: 2036

Characterized by multi-family residential buildings, mixed-use commercial properties, and numerous institutional and open space sites in the North Park and Albany park community areas, the 407-acre Lawrence/Kedzie TIF is intended to promote a wide variety of neighborhood improvements. Priorities include new and rehabilitated commercial projects, the rehabilitation of existing residential properties, the replacement of obsolete commercial and industrial buildings with a mix of market rate and affordable housing uses, enhanced off-street parking opportunities, and improved greenways along the Chicago River and North Branch Channel. Additional goals include façade improvements along local shopping corridors, institutional investments, the establishment and expansion of job training programs, and expanded day care opportunities for area residents.


Redevelopment Plan (PDF)
Designation Ordinance (PDF)
Annual Report (PDF)
Projection Report (Data Portal)
Lawrence/Kedzie TIF district, roughly bounded on the north by Bryn Mawr Avenue, Wilson Avenue on the south, the North Branch of the Chicago River on the east, and Harding Avenue on the west.


Peterson Elementary School

Albany Park Academy


Supporting Information Facts