Englewood Neighborhood TIF

Designation: 2001    Expiration: 2037

The 1,200-acre Englewood Neighborhood TIF was designated to reverse disinvestment trends along the area's major arterials and on adjacent residential blocks. Its purpose is to help assemble land for a variety of redevelopment purposes within the Englewood and West Englewood communities, including new institutional uses, mixed-income housing development and rehabilitation, light industrial uses, retail development and rehabilitation, and related initiatives. Funds are targeted for site assembly and preparation costs, rehabilitation work, public works projects, job training and day care.


Redevelopment Plan (PDF)
Redevelopment Plan Amendment #1 (PDF)
Designation Ordinance (PDF)
Annual Report (PDF)
10-Year Status Report
Projection Report (Data Portal)



Englewood Neighborhood TIF district, roughly bounded on the north by Garfield Boulevard, Marquette Road on the south, Lafayette Avenue on the east, and Loomis Boulevard on the west.



Holmes Elementary School

Hope Manor II Apartments

Englewood Commercial Development


Supporting Information Facts