Archer/Western TIF

Designation: 2009 Expiration: 2033

The 413-acre Archer/Western TIF is intended to support a wide mix of uses along Archer and Western avenues and 35th Street with the McKinley Park and New City communities. Increment is targeted for land assembly and preparation efforts, the rehabilitation of existing industrial and commercial buildings, the preservation of historically significant structures, and other improvements that promote pedestrian safety and open space enhancements. Funds are also meant to  promote upgrades to the street infrastructure, especially involving transit-oriented development, new gateways, new infill projects, and related public works improvements. Job training and day care activities are also supported through the TIF.


Redevelopment Plan (PDF)
Designation Ordinance (PDF)
Annual Report (PDF)
Projection Report (Data Portal)


Archer/Western TIF district, roughly bounded on the north by 27th Street, 47th Street on the south, Union Avenue on the east, and Campbell Avenue on the west. 



McGuane Park

McKinley Park

Supporting Information Facts

Programs & Initiatives: