Fulton Market Innovation District
The Fulton Market Innovation District (FMID) Plan was adopted by the Chicago Plan Commission in July 2014 to create a vision to preserve existing jobs while accommodating private sector investments that reinforce the area's expanding role as an innovation-driven employment center. The plan identifies seven key actions that serve to guide City policies and investment within the area generally bounded by Hubbard Street, Halsted Street, Randolph Street and Ogden Avenue. It includes:
2021 UpdateThroughout the 2010s, there were several significant planning initiatives and land use changes that impacted the Fulton Market area. In response, DPD Central Region planners drafted an update to the plan in late 2020 that was reviewed by the public in early 2021. The department and Ald. Walter Burnett (27th) co-hosted a community webinar on Zoom to review the proposed changes. FMID Plan Update Webinar The plan update was adopted by the Chicago Plan Commission in February 2021. The update allows residential uses north of Lake Street and establishes a 30 percent affordability goal for new residential projects in that area. The update also identifies new open space and public art opportunities, and establishes local infrastructure priorities, among other improvements. Additional questions and comments can be directed to dpd@cityofchicago.org. |
2017 Implementation Ordinance
To further implement the FMID Plan’s vision, the City adopted an ordinance in 2017 to:
- Replace a portion of the existing Planned Manufacturing District zoning designation with its pre-PMD designations east of Ogden Avenue to allow for new uses including modern manufacturing an commercial
- Apply the Industrial Corridor System Fund to the area, which requires certain commercial and office projects to pay a fee to remove manufacturing zoning. The fee could generate tens of millions of dollars to support industrial development elsewhere in the city
- Expand the City’s existing Neighborhood Opportunity Bonus system to the rezoned area to generate funds for commercial projects in under-served neighborhoods, along with local infrastructure and designated landmarks
- Designate the Kinzie Corridor Overlay District, which prohibits residential uses in the area
Plan Commission meeting materials (Oct. 19, 2017)
FMID implementation meeting materials (Oct. 10, 2017)
FMID implementation meeting materials (Sept. 19, 2017)
FMID implementation meeting materials (Aug. 24, 2017)