Englewood Agro-Eco District Land Use Plan

Plan Adoption
The Englewood Agro-Eco District Land Use Plan was adopted by the Chicago Plan Commission on Aug. 15, 2024. An informational presentation was initially made on June 20, 2024, and the draft plan was posted for public comment prior to adoption. The final version of the plan is available to download, as is the final presentation to the Plan Commission.
Plan Background
The Englewood Agro-Eco District Land Use Plan is a community-led vision to revitalize disinvested industrial land and infrastructure with new uses involving food production, employment, housing and recreation that complement the planned 1.75-mile Englewood Nature Trail, located between 58th and 59th Street from Wallace Street to Hoyne Avenue.
The plan envisions ecological, agricultural, residential and business uses for vacant land next to the trail. Unique goals, objectives and zoning recommendations are made for six land use categories:
- Residential
- Mixed-use development
- Neighborhood commercial centers
- Public parks
- Agricultural sites
- Small and local production
The properties included in the plan include a mix of City-owned and privately owned sites that are primarily vacant. Select properties along the trail have the potential to be used for ecological and agricultural purposes that were envisioned in the Green Healthy Neighborhoods plan adopted by Plan Commission in 2014. The trail would serve as a spine between the properties and be used as public open space.
The plan also addresses additional issues including racial equity and repair, public health, climate resiliency and other local needs.
Drawing on previous planning efforts dating to 2005, work on the Englewood Agro-Eco District Land Use Plan initiative began in May 2022. The public outreach process involved nine community meetings, with hundreds of participants providing feedback throughout. The adopted plan reflects residents’ ongoing efforts to promote self-sufficiency while also accommodating the needs of future residents and businesses.