November 2024 Plan Commission Hearing


Address (Community Area, Ward) Agenda Description Materials (posted by Wednesday, November 6 Draft Presentation (posted by Monday, November 18)
8080 S. DuSable Lake Shore Dr.
(South Chicago, 7th and 10th Wards)

A proposed Waterway Planned Development submitted by Related Chicago 8080 LLC, for the property located at 8080 S DuSable Lake Shore Drive. The applicant proposes to rezone the property from Residential-Business Planned Development No. 1162, B2-3 Neighborhood Shopping District; B3-5 Community Shopping District; RS-1 Residential Single-Unit (Detached House) District; RT-4 Residential Two-Flat, Townhouse and Multi-Unit District; RM-5, RM5.5, RM-6, and RM-6.5 Residential Multi-Unit Districts; M1-1 Limited Manufacturing/Business Park District; M3-3 Heavy Industry District; and Planned Manufacturing District (PMD) No. 6 to, first, C3-5 Commercial, Manufacturing, and Employment District and, then, to a Waterway Planned Development. The planned development would permit redevelopment of the property in phases with a quantum computing innovation hub, along with other commercial, industrial, and related uses. The overall maximum FAR of the entire planned development will be 3.0. The first phase of development consists of construction of quantum computing facilities in Subarea F, along with other related accessory uses.

PD Application


Public Comments:

Part I

Part II

Part III

65 E. Wacker Pl.
(Loop, 42nd Ward)

A proposed Residential-Business Planned Development, submitted by 65 E Wacker Holdings II, LLC, for the property generally located at 65 E Wacker Place. The applicant seeks to rezone the property from the DX-16 Downtown Mixed-Use District to a Residential-Business Planned Development to permit the conversion of existing office space into 252 dwelling units and residential amenity space. No onsite parking spaces are proposed.

PD Application


Public Comments

1220 W. Jackson Blvd.
(Near West Side, 27th Ward)

A proposed amendment to Residential Business Planned Development No. 1408, submitted by MZ West Loop, LLC, for the property generally located at 1220 W. Jackson Blvd. The applicant proposes to convert existing ground-floor retail space to 10 dwelling units.

PD Amendment Application


Public Comments

2800 S. Ashland Ave.
(Lower West Side, 12th Ward)

A proposed amendment Riveredge-Manufacturing Planned Development No. 553, submitted by QTS Investment Properties Chicago, LLC, for the property generally located at 2800 S Ashland Avenue. The applicant proposes to construct a second data center building on the property, consisting of approximately 366,000 square feet of data center space and 80,000 square feet of accessory office and loading areas; the existing data center would remain. A total of 309 surface parking spaces would provide accessory parking for both buildings. The overall FAR for the planned development will be 1.0.

PD Amendment Application


Public Comments

(13th, 14th, 22nd, and 23rd Wards)

A resolution seeking the adoption of the Cicero Avenue Corridor Study. The Study was a collaborative effort of the Department of Planning and Development and the Department of Transportation to investigate transportation and land use policy improvements to support investment, safety, and revitalization along Cicero Avenue between I-55 and Marquette Road. The proposal included a year-long community engagement process between Summer 2021 and Summer 2022, in addition, the study was posted online and available to receive additional  community feedback prior to this presentation.



A resolution seeking to adopt the Ground Floor Commercial Design Guidelines. The guidelines build off the previously adopted Neighborhood Design Guidelines and the Ground Floor Residential on Commercial Corridors Design Guidelines.  The document provides specific recommendations and best practice examples for future design review of renovation and new construction ground floor commercial project proposals along Chicago’s commercial corridors and will create a set of user-friendly and best practice examples for non-design professionals, including small business owners and small property owners. These design guidelines are meant to be a resource and clarify best practices, they are not taking policy positions, changing ordinances, or imposing additional requirements or processes.


Chicago Plan Commission
November 21, 2024
Public Notice | Agenda | Map | Planning Region Map | Video | Minutes