Logistics Headquarters to Expand Through TIF Assistance

February 15, 2012


One of the country’s fastest-growing logistics companies will expand its headquarters in Logan Square through $2 million in Tax Increment Financing (TIF) assistance approved by City Council today.

Coyote Logistics, which matches businesses with trucking companies, will use the funds for a 65,000-square-foot build-out within the Green Exchange, a designated Chicago landmark at 2565 W. Diversey Ave. The company relocated to the building last year and relocated 625 jobs. The TIF assistance is tied to the relocation and the creation of these jobs. The company will also add an additional 400 new jobs to the Green Exchange in an expansion effort that is unrelated to the TIF assistance.

“Coyote’s ongoing expansion will not only provide high-tech transportation solutions to businesses across North America, it will bring hundreds of new jobs to the City of Chicago,” Mayor Emanuel said.

Founded in 2006, the company’s supply-chain network specializes in fleet backhaul for food and beverage, consumer products, and government services firms.  Customers’ trucks are used to transport other customers’ loads on return trips instead of those trucks going home empty.

In the last year, Coyote approximately doubled the number of freight loads it services per day, from about 1,000 to more than 2,000. The increased efficiency resulted in 5.5 million fewer miles that customer’s trucks were required to travel on North American highways and 10,000 fewer tons of carbon emissions that entered the atmosphere.

The 275,000-square-foot Green Exchange caters to companies that provide sustainable products and services. A designated Chicago landmark, it was constructed in 1913 for the Vassar Swiss Underwear Co. Coyote consolidated operations within the building from two facilities outside of Chicago last year.  


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