City and Ald. Tom Tunney (44th) Announce Developer for Historic Former Town Hall Police Station at Addison and Halsted Streets

May 13, 2011

Molly Sullivan    312.744.2976

The City of Chicago’s Department of Housing and Economic Development and Alderman Tom Tunney (44th) announced today that Heartland Housing, Inc. has been selected as the developer for the former historic 23rd District Town Hall District police station and adjacent city-owned land at the corner of Addison and Halsted streets.

The city issued a request for proposals last year to solicit developers and Heartland was the sole respondent. Since receiving the response in July 2010, the city has worked closely with the developer to fine-tune its proposal.

Plans call for the redevelopment of the former police station at 3600 N. Halsted St. and adjacent land into an affordable senior rental community of up to 90 units.

Heartland Housing is an experienced non-profit developer that has worked with the city on a number of other affordable housing developments.  Heartland is partnering with Center on Halsted to develop a housing program that serves the needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) seniors.  Center on Halsted, which is located adjacent to the development site, currently provides a wide range of services to the LGBT community.  Center on Halsted will offer resident and community-based services for seniors who will live in the new-construction building.

“We are pleased to have selected a developer that brings a track record of quality, affordable housing for our residents,” said Andrew J. Mooney, commissioner of the Department of Housing and Economic Development. “This is an exciting project that will provide much-needed housing opportunities for seniors in the Lakeview community while also bringing new retail to the thriving Halsted Street commercial district.”

“This proposal is an exciting mixed-use development that incorporates the historic station and the commercial vibrancy of the street while providing much-needed affordable and diverse senior housing,” Tunney said. “I want to thank Mayor Daley and the city for their commitment to this project. I look forward to working with my colleagues on the City Council to make it a reality.”

"We are proud to have been selected as the developer of this critical project that will benefit the Lakeview community as well as the seniors it will house. These units will provide safe and affordable living for those who often have difficulty securing quality housing, including Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender seniors," said Michael Goldberg, Executive Director of Heartland Housing, Inc.

Now that a developer has been selected, the city plans to seek approval from the City Council to convey the former police station and vacant land so the project can move forward.  The new development is expected to preserve a portion of the old police station building while creating a new building with commercial space on the ground level that will benefit from and complement the busy Addison/Halsted commercial corridor. The next steps are to convey the land and identify sources of funding for the project.                                                                                       

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