Minor Change to Planned Development

Administrative Relief/Minor Change

A minor change to an approved PD may be permitted in the form of an Administrative Relief.  The requested change must be detailed in writing (to the attention of Teresa McLaughlin, City Hall, Room 905) and must, at a minimum, include the following information:

  • Details of the proposed change(s), including purpose of and reasons for
  • All previously approved PD exhibits that would be altered by the change
  • Revised exhibits detailing changes from the previously approved exhibits (Design revisions should include side-by-side comparisons showing approved and proposed exhibits with all changes bubbled, noted, or otherwise identified) 
  • A check made payable to the City of Chicago for $1,500.00
  • Identification and consent of all the property owners within the sub area or the PD, if necessary, to the proposed change(s)  

The request will first be reviewed to confirm it qualifies for a minor change versus an amendment, and then the review and decision-making criteria outlined in the Chicago Zoning Ordinance will be used to evaluate the request (Sec.17-13-0609). 

Upon submittal of the request, the applicant shall obtain approval of the Bureau of Fire Prevention, the Dept. of Transportation, the Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities, and Stormwater Review (Dept. of Buildings).  

The applicant will receive a letter approving or denying the request.  Minor changes must be approved prior to a Part II review taking place and are effective for one year (12 months) from the date of issuance. 

Department Main Office

Planning and Development