Exploitation and Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking at Home
Labor Trafficking of Domestic Workers
Human trafficking exists when someone is compelled by force, fraud, and/or coercion for the purposes of commercial sex and/or forced labor.
Domestic workers often face labor conditions that are indicators of a severe form of exploitation: human trafficking. If you have experienced these forms of abuse and/or exploitation at the hands of your employer, you are entitled to help regardless of your age, race, or immigration status:
- Threats of abuse/violence
- Threats to harm family
- Physical or sexual abuse
- Restricted movement
- Constant supervision
- Change of promised job duties
- Lack of pay or severely underpaid
- Threats of deportation
- Withholding identification documents (e.g. passport, visa, ID)
- Abusive labor conditions
Exploitation and Human Trafficking - Spanish
Need Help?
If you would like help leaving your abusive employment situation, reporting your employer to the police, immigration assistance, and/or services to help you heal and recover from the trauma of exploitation, the following organizations provide free and confidential services in Chicago:
Heartland Human Care Services
Freedom from Trafficking program
Call: 312.662.6185 or email: sghias@heartlandalliance.org
The Salvation Army
STOP IT Program
Toll free hotline available 24/7: 877.606.3158
Free legal assistance
Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation
Email: veronica@caase.org
Legal Aid Society of Metropolitan Family Services
Call: 312-985-4105
Legal Aid Chicago
Call: 312.341.1070
Call: 312.408.1210
National Immigrant Justice Center
Call: 312.660.1370