Current Program

Retrofit Chicago 2.0
After a successful ten-year run, the Retrofit Chicago Energy Challenge is relaunching with a new challenge to engage more participants across the city and align with the 2022 City of Chicago Climate Action Plan (CAP).
A new, revamped version of the Retrofit Chicago Energy Challenge creates an opportunity to engage buildings of all types across Chicago’s 77 communities to work collaboratively to meet Chicago’s commitment to reduce the City’s carbon footprint by 62% by 2040. Buildings participating in the Retrofit Chicago Energy Challenge will have an opportunity to participate in both community-based and city-wide retrofit goals. Buildings will commit to reducing their energy use and swapping out fossil-fuel based appliances and equipment and report their progress and milestones on an annual basis.
Buildings participating in the Retrofit Chicago Energy Challenge will have an opportunity to participate in both community-based and city-wide retrofit goals. Buildings will commit to reducing their energy use and swapping out fossil-fuel based appliances and equipment and report their progress and milestones on an annual basis.
Retrofits for most building types can include weatherization, smart thermostats, lighting and appliance replacements, and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment upgrades. It is important to prioritize energy efficiency retrofits prior to electrification and the transition to renewable energy to lower overall costs and maximize savings for building owners and occupants.
When buildings sign up to participate in the Retrofit Chicago Energy Challenge, buildings will gain access to tailored resources, assistance, and funding strategies to address their needs. These will include, but are not limited to, the following offerings:
- Building Outreach and Recruitment
- Educational Offerings
- Technical Assistance
- Annual Reporting & Survey
- Annual Awards and Recognition
- Continued Engagement
Alignment with the 2022 Climate Action Plan
In 2022, the City of Chicago released an updated Climate Action Plan (CAP) that centers equity and emphasized the importance of reaching all of Chicago's 77 communities. The Plan sets a goal of reducing the city's carbon emissions by 62% by 2040. Retrofit Chicago will play a significant role in achieving the CAP's emission reduction goal, in addition to the following specific targets.
The first pillar of the plan sets out goals to increase access to utility savings and renewable energy through the following retrofit milestones:
Retrofit 20% of total 5+ unit residential buildings by 2030
- CO2 Reduction Goal: 513,000 MtCO2e
- % of Total CAP CO2 Reduction Goal: 1.65%
Retrofit 20% of total commercial buildings by 2035
- CO2 Reduction Goal: 291,000 MtCO2e
- % of Total CAP CO2 Reduction Goal: .94%
In addition, the CAP sets goals to drive equitable development in clean energy by establishing the following milestone goals:
Electrify 30% of total existing residential buildings by 2035
- CO2 Reduction Goal: 983,740 MtCO2e (with renewable energy supply)
- % of Total CAP CO2 Reduction Goal: 3.17%
Electrify 10% of total existing commercial buildings by 2035
- CO2 Reduction Goal: 277,684 MtCO2e (with renewable energy supply)
- % of Total CAP CO2 Reduction Goal: .89%