Milwaukee Avenue - Kinzie to Chicago

Milwaukee Avenue - Kinzie to Chicago

View of intersection with family posed to cross street, car traveling parallel to family, and cyclist riding on roadway.

In an upcoming project, CDOT will resurface Milwaukee Avenue from Kinzie Street to Chicago Avenue, adding additional concrete curb to strengthen the existing protected bike lane and bus boarding islands to improve transit operations, and completely rebuilding the Milwaukee & Erie intersection to make it better organized and more comfortable for everyone.

Project Location

Milwaukee Avenue from Kinzie Street to Chicago Avenue.

Project Goals & Infrastructure Highlights

Person biking towards viewer in green painted bike lane separated from vehicle travel lane by concrete curb.
Concrete Protected Bike Lanes

Exclusive space for people biking to physically separate them from motor vehicle traffic on Milwaukee Ave.

CTA bus stopped at bus stop with a concrete bus boarding island separating the travel lane from green painted bike lane.
Bus Boarding Islands

Streamline transit so buses do not need to merge in and out of traffic at stops and provide designated space for bus riders waiting.

Person crossing street in crosswalk through concrete refuge island.
Pedestrian Safety Infrastructure

Curb bump-outs and concrete refuge islands reduce crossing distances for people crossing Milwaukee Ave and slow motor vehicles.

person riding bike waiting at protected intersection
Redesigned Intersections

Include updating geometry to improve predictability of motor vehicle movements, improve visibility of pedestrians, and slow speeds.
