Kedzie Avenue Complete Streets Upgrade
Kedzie Avenue Complete Streets Upgrade

CDOT installed safety improvements, including a new protected bike lane, on Kedzie Avenue from Diversey Avenue to Elston Avenue in 2023. The parking and existing bike lane were flipped to create concrete protected bike lanes and promote safer driving speeds and better space for biking along the corridor. Intersections were also upgraded improve pedestrian crossings.
Project Goals
- Safer automobile speeds
- Safer pedestrian crossings
- Reduce the severity of motor vehicle crashes
- Increase safety and comfort for people biking
- Create a protected bike lane intersecting Belmont Avenue
Infrastructure Highlights
- Protected bike lanes with concrete barriers and parking lanes to separate people biking from moving vehicles
- 20 MPH posted speed limit and narrower travel lanes to reinforce safe speeds
- Curb extensions to reduce crossing distances by more than half for people walking across Kedzie
- Enhanced pavement markings to emphasize the presence of people at crossings and intersections
Project Results
Immediately after installation, the project resulted in:
- 90% fewer people driving over 30 MPH
Project Location
North Kedzie Avenue from Diversey Avenue to Elston Avenue.
Completed - August 2023