Clark Street Bikeway Upgrades

Clark Street Bikeway Upgrades

View of street with person riding a bike protected by a concrete median

CDOT has installed new safety improvements on North Clark Street from Irving Park Road to Montrose Avenue. The project upgrades the existing shared lane markings to a concrete curb protected bike lane and also includes shortened pedestrian crossings, bus improvements, and a 20 MPH speed limit.

Project Goals

  • Create safer pedestrian crossings with bump outs at six intersections and refreshed pavement markings. These upgrades will reduce the crossing distance and improve visibility for people walking.
  • Reduce the severity of motor vehicle crashes by designing for safe speeds, narrowing vehicle lanes and reducing the speed limit to 20 MPH. CDOT has observed drivers traveling at more than 55 MPH on this corridor at 141 crashes over five years.
  • Increase safety and convenience for people biking by upgrading the existing bike lane to a barrier protected facility between the curbline and the parking lane, enhanced with pre-cast concrete barriers. 
Infrastructure Highlights

  • Concrete curb extensions will reduce crossing distances for people at intersections
  • Protected bike lanes along the curbside with pre-cast concrete barriers 
  • Bus boarding islands will help streamline bus operations and prevent conflicts with cyclists and bus riders
  • Removal of charter bus parking will free up space for improvements, reduce noise, and improve air quality
  • 20 MPH speed limit and right-sized vehicle lanes

Project Location

North Clark Street from Irving Park Road to Montrose Avenue

