Steering Committee

To guide the work of the Black Chicago Heritage Initiative (BCHI), the Department of Planning and Development invited local and national scholars, historians, artists and community leaders to serve on its Steering Committee.
The Steering Committee met virtually four times between July and November 2022. Their contributions shaped the BCHI engagement strategy, interpreted community feedback, prioritized common themes raised by community and advised on implementation strategies for future phases.
Pictured: Members of the Black Chicago Heritage Initiative steering committee with staff from the Chicago Department of Planning and Development (DPD) and its consultant teams. From left: Meghan Haynes and Kimberley Rudd, Rudd Resources; Marcia Walker McWilliams, Black Metropolis Research Consortium; Michele Rhymes and Eiliesh Tuffy, DPD; Shermann “Dilla” Thomas, Chicago Mahogany Foundation; Courtney Kashima, Muse Community + Design; Dr. Christopher Reed, Black Chicago History Forum; Kindy Kruller, Muse Community + Design; Perri Irmer, The DuSable Black History Museum and Education Center; Tonika Lewis Johnson, Folded Map Project; and Katanya Raby, Al Raby Foundation.
Dionne Baux, Vice President of Urban Development, National Main Street Center
Daniel Bluestone, author and Historic Preservation scholar
Tristan Cabello, Historian and Professor, John Hopkins University
Bev Cook, Senior Archivist (retired), Vivian G. Harsh Research Collection, CPL – Woodson Branch
Torrence Gardner, Planner and Chief of Staff for IL State Representative Kelly Cassidy
Joseph Hoereth, Director, Institute for Policy and Public Engagement, University of Illinois at Chicago
Perri Irmer, President and CEO, DuSable Black History Museum
Alison Rose Jefferson, PhD, Historian and Writer, L.A. African American Historic Context Statement
Tonika Lewis Johnson, Artist, “Folded Map Project” and “Inequity For Sale”
Vashon Jordan, Jr., Artist and Photojournalist
Marcia Walker McWilliams, Executive Director, Black Metropolis Research Consortium, University of Chicago
Peggy Montes, Founder, Bronzeville Childrens Museum
Justin Garrett Moore, Program Officer, Humanities in Place program, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Katanya Raby, Director of Planning, Far South CDC and Executive Director, Al Raby Foundation
Christopher R. Reed, PhD, Historian and former Commissioner, Commission on Chicago Landmarks
Julieanna Richardson, Founder, The Historymakers
Bashir Salahuddin, Writer and Actor, creator of the TV Show “South Side”
Shermann “Dilla” Thomas, Social Media Content Creator, Chicago’s TikTok Historian
Tiffany Tolbert, Sr. Director for Preservation, African American Cultural Heritage Fund -National Trust for Historic Preservation
Derrick Warren, Executive Director, Greater Englewood CDC