Resources for Applicants

Resources for Applicants

As part of its site plan submittal, the business must include a traffic study, which will be reviewed by CDOT, and an air quality impact study, which will be reviewed by CDPH.
The air quality impact study will model potential emissions from the business and its proposed operations. Applicants will use air modeling software, such as the U.S. EPA’s AERMOD and EPA MOVES, to evaluate emissions from various sources, such as processing equipment, diesel engines of yard and on-road vehicles, paved and unpaved surfaces, material handling, and wind erosion of stockpiles. In addition to a written report, applicants will submit data files for review by CDPH.
A community meeting and notice affidavit is also required for each site plan submittal and will be reviewed by the Zoning Administrator.
For questions on these resources, please contact
Guiding document that describes procedures for preparing a complete air quality impact evaluation to be submitted to the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) for review and approval. The main objective of the air quality impact evaluation is to document impacts of a development on the surrounding ambient air to inform CDPH's recommendation to the Zoning Administrator.
Document to provide uniform guidelines for preparing and reviewing Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) for a new development or modification or expansion of an existing development to be submitted to the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT). The main objective of a TIS is to document impacts of a development on the surrounding transportation system and recommend on-site and off-site improvements to mitigate those impacts.
Community Meeting and Notice Affidavit
Site plan review applicants must hold at least one community meeting no later than two weeks prior to submitting an application. The Community Meeting and Notice Affidavit should be completed and submitted to the Zoning Administrator once the community meeting has taken place.
Additional Documents