Stitching It Together Home

Stitching It Together

Aerial view of the Chicago Park District headquarters at 48th & Western

Join the Chicago Department of Planning and Development for the kick-off of Stitching It Together, a new multi-phase planning initiative for Brighton Park and Gage Park.

Upcoming Events

Trunk or Treat | 1-4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 26
Brighton Park Community Campus, 4830 S. Western Ave.

Trunk or Treat | 1-4 p.m. Monday, Oct. 28
PODER, 3357 W. 55th St.

Kermes de Otoño | 1-4 p.m.  Saturday, Nov. 2
Kelly High School parking lot, 4136 S. California Ave.

Visit the Get Involved page for more information about past and future community engagement efforts.

This study will explore ways to:

Improve the Public Realm

Make it safer and more comfortable to move around the area and access the Park District facility through public realm improvements

Support Local Businesses

Support local businesses and entrepreneurs and foster thriving commercial corridors

Reduce Impacts of Industrial Operations

Articulate design ideas that help to reduce the impact of existing industrial operations

Increase Public Health & Safety

Provide a future vision for the area that raises up and leverages community, institutional partners, and City investment toward a safer and healthier Brighton Park and Gage Park

Stitching It Together will include several opportunities for community members to engage and share their ideas. It is also just the first step of a multi-phased effort to look at land use and the adjacent industrial corridors more comprehensively. To stay updated on the process, please sign up to receive email notifications.

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