Chicago Board of Ethics - A General Guide for the Public
The Board of Ethics, established in 1987, administers and enforces Chicago’s Governmental Ethics and Campaign Financing Ordinances (Chapters 2-156 and 2-164 of the City’s Municipal Code). These laws establish conflict of interests standards for City employees, elected officials, appointed officials, lobbyists, contractors, candidates for elected City office, campaign contributors, and others who interact with City government personnel.
Chicago Reports on City's Response to Domestic Violence
The Mayor’s Office on Domestic Violence (MODV) and the City of Chicago’s Domestic Violence Advocacy Coordinating Council (DVACC) today released a groundbreaking, book-length assessment describing every level of Government, not-for-profit and private response to domestic violence.
Contextualized Literacy for the Workplace Program Locations
Contextualized Literacy is designed to raise the literacy levels of participants within a particular occupational context. Adult learners with low academic skill levels advance more rapidly when their learning is contextualized to a particular career or industry.
Gift Restrictions - A Plain English Guide
Before they accept any gift, City employees and officials should consider not only whether the law permits them to keep the gift, but whether accepting it may create the perception that their independent judgment will be compromised.
Green Design
Green designs and ideas that we can all use to help use water more wisely.
Healing Arts Chicago
The Department of Cultural Affairs & Special Events and the Chicago Department of Public Health announce Healing Arts Chicago, a new program offering free arts services to support mental health and wellness at the City’s Mental Health Centers year-round.
Improper Influence and Conflicts of Interest
In advisory opinion 00008.A, the Board of Ethics addresses the phrase "participate in [the] making [of] a governmental decision," as used in sections2-156-030(a) (Improper Influence) and 2-156-080(a) (Conflicts of Interest) of the Ethics Ordinance.
Inclusive Terminology 101
The Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities provides information to print and broadcast reporters, students, disability organizations and the general public about terminology and portrayal issues concerning people with disabilities.
Information for Appointed Officials
Appointed Officials (persons who are appointed to or serve on City Boards and Commissions) are subject to the provisions of the City's Governmental Ethics and Campaign Financing Ordinances. Click Here for a summary of how these provisions affect appointed officials.
Information for Concerned Friends & Family Members
Every year, millions of domestic violence victims suffer from the horrors of abuse alone. Having been isolated by their abusers from friends and family, many are disconnected from sources of support, strength and safety. By reaching out to your friend or family member and breaking the silence, you can make a difference.
Information for Faith Leaders
A faith community has a responsibility to provide care for families in need. In addition, it exhorts society to share compassion and comfort with those afflicted by personal tragedy. Leaders of the faith community are encouraged to create a unified response to domestic violence.
Information for Health Care Professionals
In many instances health care professionals are the first to intervene after an abusive incident occurs. It is therefore crucial that appropriate intervention strategies be identified and implemented. By accurately assessing the cause of injury, providing necessary medical care, and offering referrals to community resources, health care professionals have the potential to be valuable sources of support. Leaders in the field have identified the following strategies to make interventions by health care professionals more effective.
Information for Legal Assistance
The Illinois Domestic Violence Act (IDVA) provides strong legal help for victims of domestic violence within an Order of Protection (OP).
Inter-Faith Leadership Advisory Committee
The Chicago Mayor's Office on Domestic Violence Interfaith Advisory Committee gathers together to create a unified and faithful response to Domestic Violence through prevention awareness, education, the creation of safe, healing and redemptive space, and resources with and for clergy, professionals, and lay leaders within all faith communities.
Reports - Help Line Zip Code Area Profiles
Chicago ZIP Code Area Profiles is the annual profile report of the characteristics of victim callers to the Chicago Domestic Violence Help Line. On a yearly basis, the Help Line answers over 20,000 calls from persons in the Chicago area.
Reports - National Institute of Justice Grant for Domestic Violence Help Line
At the end of 2003, the Mayor's Office of Domestic Violence in collaboration with the Center for Urban Research and Learning (CURL) at Loyola University Chicago were awarded a grant from the National Institute of Justice to conduct an evaluation of the City of Chicago Domestic Violence Help Line. This is a two-year evaluation project ending January 2006. The evaluation focuses on the user’s perspective of the Help Line.
Research, Reports and Data Resources
The following links represent a selection of resources that provide research and analysis as well as data that can be manipulated and is often downloadable, searchable, and/or customizable.
Safe Havens: Supervised Visits & Safe Exchange Grant Program
As part of their participation as a demonstration site for the Safe Havens Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Program, three Chicago visitation centers and their collaborative partner, the Mayor’s Office on Domestic Violence, explored how the current design, processes, and procedures of visitation and exchange centers account for aspects of culture.
Safety Planning
The most dangerous time for many victims of domestic violence is when they are thinking about or actively trying to end the relationship. A personal safety plan is a way for you to identify strategies to protect yourself during this dangerous time.
Summary of Youth Services
Here is some background information on the services provided by the Chicago Department of Family and Support Services Youth Services Division:
Water Treatment Education
Links to specific information for students, teachers, and the general public. Watch the Water Treatment Video.
What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence occurs when one partner uses physical, emotional, sexual and/or financial abuse to maintain power and control over the other.