Resources for Job Seekers

Employment Programs
- Programs for Ex-Offenders - Chicago Department of Family and Support Services’ Community Reentry Support Centers
- Programs for Individuals with Disabilities - Employment Resources for People with Disabilities
Illinois workNet Work Transition Resources for Adults and Children with Disabilities
- Programs for Youth - Summer Jobs Program
- Programs for Laid Off Workers - Skills for Chicagoland’s Future
- Programs for Veterans - City of Chicago Veteran’s Resource Office | Illinois WorkNet Veteran’s Resources
Workshops and Other Career-Related Events
- The Illinois Department of Employment Security maintains a list of job seeker workshops in Cook County.
- Use Illinois workNet to find career – related events in your neighborhood.
Directories of Organizations Providing Job Search Assistance
- Through the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), the City and local community based agencies provide training and job search services to adults and laid-off workers. - Find a directory of WIA providers here.
- Attend workshops on resume writing and interview preparation, or get job search assistance at one of the City’s workNet Chicago locations.
Resume Building Assistance
- Use the Illinois workNet online resume builder.