Career Center
Mission Statement
The Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities Career Center strives to prepare individuals with disabilities for meaningful career opportunities.
Our model is focused on empowering job seekers to pursue their career aspirations and creating new avenues of opportunity. We collaborate with employers to identify qualified candidates who fulfill their staffing requirements, all while offering personalized support and training. The MOPD Career Center works in partnership with City of Chicago departments, sister agencies, and community organizations to deliver career readiness resources across Chicago's 77 community areas.
For entrepreneurs and small business owners looking to qualify for the city's Business Enterprises Owned by People with Disabilities Certification, please visit the Department of Procurement Services' BEPD Certification page.
Contact Us to Learn More
Appointments are available virtually, by telephone and in person.
Central West Community Center
2102 West Ogden Avenue
Chicago, IL 60612
Call: (312) 746-5773, select option #3