Severe Weather Public Safety
City of Chicago :: Warming Areas
When temperatures are at 32 degrees or below – warming areas are available at the City’s six community service centers from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. For a complete list click, Warming Center near me.
- The warming areas are available for all residents in need of safe refuge and relief from extreme cold weather.
- Residents must wear a cloth face covering while in the warming areas due to COVID-19 safety precautions.
- City-operated libraries and park facilities also may activate warming areas, if needed, including during evening hours, weekends and holidays.
- For assistance after hours, residents should call 311 to be connected to available services – including placement to an available shelter bed.
- The Garfield Community Service Center at 10 South Kedzie, is open on a 24-hour basis to connect families and residents to emergency shelter.
- Unless specifically indicated, warming areas typically are not open when temperatures are higher than 32 degrees, on holidays and evening hours.
- Hours and days may be extended under extreme conditions and/or from the direction of the City’s Office of Emergency Management and Communications
- Call 3-1-1 or visit
- For up-to-date information on warming areas at any given time.
- To locate the warming area nearest to you.
- To request a well-being check for a neighbor, loved one and/or friend.
- Report inadequate heat in a residential building
Cold Weather Tips
Severe Weather
Chicago Weather Extremes
Visit link below for emergency response information for various types of extreme weather conditions.
- Blizzards-City of Chicago :: Weather Extremes - Blizzards
- Extreme Temperatures (Hot and Cold) - City of Chicago :: Weather Extremes - Extreme Temperatures
- Tornadoes -Tornado.pdf (
- Thunderstorms - City of Chicago :: Weather Extremes - Thunderstorms
- Floods - City of Chicago :: Weather Extremes - Floods
For timely updates and other information on weather preparedness, follow OEMC on Twitter via the handle @ChicagoOEMC and sign up for free emergency alerts at below:
- Notify Chicago: Sign up for emergency alerts at
- CHILAKE: For lakefront notices including flooding, TEXT “CHILAKE” to 7-8-0-1-5
- CHIBIZ: Business updates, TEXT “CHIBIZ” to 6-7-2-8-3
For timely updates and other information on weather preparedness, follow OEMC on Twitter via the handle @ChicagoOEMC and sign up for free emergency alerts at below:
- Notify Chicago: Sign up for emergency alerts at
- CHILAKE: For lakefront notices including flooding, TEXT “CHILAKE” to 7-8-0-1-5
- CHIBIZ: Business updates, TEXT “CHIBIZ” to 6-7-2-8-3
City of Chicago :: Cooling Areas
The Office of Emergency Management and Communications (OEMC), Chicago Department of Family & Support Services (DFSS), Chicago Park District, City Colleges of Chicago, Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) and other City departments and sister agencies have made significant advancements to ensure that more than 200 citywide cooling resources are available in the City’s response plan to extreme-heat weather conditions.
These resources include cooling areas at community service centers, senior centers, libraries, police stations and City Colleges, in addition to cooling buses and Chicago Park District splash pads. Some or all of these resources will be activated during periods of extreme-heat or as conditions warrant. Occupancy limits are in effect at these locations and masks are required while in the buildings in line with public health guidance. Please note that Chicago Public Library and Chicago Park District locations are only operational as cooling centers during regular operating hours.
A list of all citywide cooling resources can be found:
- On the digital cooling area map (click here to access)
- By calling 3-1-1 or visiting
- The CHI311 app, by calling 3-1-1 or visiting
Chicago OEMC App
OEMC Social Media