Emergency Preparedness
READY includes actions taken before an emergency in order to develop operational capabilities and facilitate an effective response in the event an emergency occurs. This means that various domains of responsibility (such as warning, damage assessment and other emergency management functions) are identified and assigned to entities capable of performing them. It means that the human and material resources needed to get the job done are available and can be mobilized quickly. Simply put, being ready is clarity about what may be needed, what should be done and how it will be done. Being Ready is a continuous process that aims to reduce unknowns during an emergency, acts as an educational activity, is based on knowledge and evokes appropriate action.
Are you READY or not?
The Office of Emergency Management and Communications wants you to be prepared for an emergency. Here is what you need to have in your head, in your home and in your hand. Planning now and knowing what to do will make it easier for you and your family if an emergency occurs. Create am emergency plan while at home, work or on the go.

Click on the links below for details about how to be READY for emergencies: