Excessive Heat Watch Issued by National Weather Service for Monday through Tuesday with Dangerous Heat Index Values of up to 105 – 110 Degrees Possible

August 25, 2024

Air Quality Alert issued for Sunday August 25 with unhealthy pollution levels for sensitive groups

CHICAGO – The National Weather Service in Chicago has issued an Excessive Heat Watch from Monday afternoon to Tuesday evening due to dangerously hot conditions with heat index values up to around 105 degrees Monday and up to around 110 degrees possible Tuesday.

Extreme heat and humidity is expected to significantly increase the potential for heat-related illnesses, especially for those participating in outdoor activities. OEMC and City departments are reminding residents and visitors of safety tips to alleviate heat emergency impacts.
  • Monitor the latest forecasts and warnings for updates.
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Stay in an air-conditioned room
  • Stay out of the sun
  • Check up on relatives and neighbors
  • NEVER leave young children and pets unattended in vehicles under any circumstances, for any length of time, when car interiors can reach lethal
    temperatures in a matter of minutes.
  • Residents can call 3-1-1 to request well-being checks or for information on finding
    the nearest cooling center.
In addition, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued an Air Pollution Action Day for Chicago Sunday, August 25 through Sunday night.  A Chicago area Air Pollution Action Day is declared when weather conditions are such that widespread ozone and or particulate levels are expected to be at or above the Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups category of the Air Quality Index for multiple days.  Those with pulmonary or respiratory diseases such as asthma, should limit prolonged outdoor activity. For tips on reducing emissions and updated alerts, visit www.airnow.gov

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