Water and Sewer Rates

Water and Sewer Rates are voted on and approved by the Mayor and Chicago City Council.  Per the Municipal Code of Chicago, beginning June 1, 2016, and every year thereafter, the annual water rates shall be adjusted upwards, if applicable, by applying the previous year's rate of inflation.  This increase is calculated based on the Consumer Price Index -- Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (Chicago All Items) published by the United States' Bureau of Labor Statistics for the 365-day period ending on the most recent January 1.

Metered Rates

Properties with a water meter are billed based on the amount of water used in the billing period. For detailed billing information pertaining to your account, please refer to your most recent billing statement. On the back of your billing statement, you will find specific charges based on your account type.

For both metered and non-metered properties, the sewer charge is 100 percent of your water charge and is added as a separate line item on the front of the utility bills.


Effective Date Percent Increase

Water Rate
per 1,000 Cubic Feet

Approximate Water Cost
per 1,000 Gallons

6/1/2025 4.00% $36.51 $4.89
6/1/2024 3.37% $35.10 $4.70
6/1/2023 5.00% $33.95 $4.55
6/1/2022 5.00% $32.33 $4.33
6/1/2021 1.10% $30.79 $4.13
6/1/2020 2.45% $30.46 $4.08
6/1/2019 0.82% $29.73 $3.98
6/1/2018 1.54% $29.49 $3.95
6/1/2017 1.83% $29.04 $3.88
1/1/2016 0% $28.52 $3.81
1/1/2015 15% $28.52 $3.81
1/1/2014 15% $24.80 $3.31
1/1/2013 15% $21.56 $2.88
1/1/2012 25% $18.75 $2.51
1/1/2011 0% $15.00 $2.01
1/1/2010 14% $15.00 $2.01
1/1/2009 15% $13.15 $1.76
1/1/2008 15% $11.44 $1.53
1/1/2007 0% $9.95 $1.33
1/1/2006 0% $9.95 $1.33
1/1/2005 3% $9.95 $1.33
1/1/2004 3% $9.66 $1.29
1/1/2003 4% $9.38 $1.25
1/1/2002 4% $9.02 $1.20



Effective Date

Percentage of Water Rate
1/1/2015 100%
1/1/2014 96%
1/1/2013 92%
1/1/2012 89%
1/1/2011 86%
1/1/2010 86%
1/1/2009 85%
1/1/2008 84%
1/1/2007 83%
1/1/2006 83%
1/1/2005 83%
1/1/2004 83%
1/1/2003 83%
1/1/2002 83%


Supporting Information Facts

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