Industrial Permit Parking Information & Application

The following procedures must be followed in order to establish Industrial Permit Parking:

1. The owners or managers of a business should apply to the Department of Finance for designation of an Industrial Permit Parking Zone that includes the applicant's business.

A zone must be at least one block in length and includes both sides of the street within the zone.

A zone may only be established on streets devoted primarily to industrial use.

The applicant must complete the application, identify the boundaries of the proposed zone, the types of property uses located in the zone, the hours of the day, and the days of the week or months of the year during which the proposed zone will be effective.

Sixty (60) percent or more of the vehicles parked in the proposed zone must be continuously parked for a consecutive eight (8) hour period in connection with businesses located in the zone.

2. Applicants will circulate application forms to businesses located in the proposed zone.  Owners or Managers of at least sixty (60) percent of the businesses located in the proposed zone must sign the application indicating their consent to Industrial Permit Parking designation in order for the application to be considered.

The application must identify the person or persons circulating the petition.  A notarized signature is required from the person circulating the petition portion of the application.

After presenting the required number of signatures to the Department of Finance, the applicant or applicants will give notice of the proposed Industrial Permit Parking designation in a newspaper of general or local circulation.

Proof of notice of publication must be submitted to the Department of Finance.  Upon receipt of the completed application and documentation, the Department of Finance will notify the Department of Transportation and the Department of Community Development that a representative of one or more businesses has requested designation of Industrial Permit Parking.

3. Within sixty (60) days the Department of Finance will verify the information contained in the petitions and the Department of Transportation will analyze the traffic conditions of the proposed zone.

Within the same period, the Department of Community Development will analyze the economic or other impact of establishing the zone upon businesses or institutions located within or adjacent to the zone.

4. Upon consideration of the three (3) Department studies, the Parking Administrator will issue to the Alderman his or her recommendations on the advisability of designating the zone for Industrial Permit Parking as to the hours of the day, days of the week or months of the year when such regulations will be in effect.

5. The Alderman must introduce an ordinance to the Traffic and Safety Committee for approval by the City Council.

6. The Commissioner of Transportation will erect and maintain signs on the blocks indicating Industrial Permit Parking Only.

7. The Department of Finance will issue annual or six-month "Industrial Permit Parking" decals to businesses located in the zone for use on each vehicle used in connection with the businesses.  An Industrial Permit Parking decal will be affixed, in accordance with the instructions printed on the decal.  This permit decal will not guarantee or reserve any parking space, nor will it exempt the holder from the observance of any traffic or parking regulation.

The temporary permits will be issued to businesses for the use of temporary visitors to the Industrial Permit Parking zone.  The permits will be good for one day and must be attached to the windshield by means of the adhesive provided on the face of the permit.  Before affixing the one-day permit, it must be validated by printing the date of use legibly in permanent ink on its face in the space provided for this purpose.  A permit that is updated, altered, defaced or that contains erasures, or is dated other than in permanent ink, will be invalid.

The fees for Industrial Parking Permits decals are as follows:

Annual Permits: $25.00 Each

Daily Booklets: $5.00 Each

The permits will be valid from January 1st through December 31st of any calendar year.

A replacement of an annual or semi-annual permit will be issued without cost upon receipt of an identifiable portion of the removed decal. However, replacement of any permits which are lost or destroyed will be made at full cost.

The Department of Finance Permit Parking Unit will issue all permits.  For more information, please contact the Permit Section at 312.747.0114.

How to Apply:

If you meet the requirements, you may complete the application at the bottom of this page, or obtain an application from your Alderman's office, and mail your application to:

City of Chicago
Department of Finance
Permit Section
P.O. Box 803100
Chicago, IL 60680-3100

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