2010 Non-Competitive Procurements


ADB Airfield Solutions - Airfield Lighting Control and Monitoring System

BigBelly Solar - 1600 Trash Compactors

East Jordan Iron Works (EJIW) - Hydrant Parts

Fortbrand Services - Vammas Multipurpose Snow Removal Equipment Retrofit Brooms

Iron Mountain - Records Storage and Records Management Services

Nulinx Internation Inc Part 1 of 2, Part 2 of 2 - Child OUtcome Planning and Assessment (COPA) system

J.E.Manzi & Associates - Construction Management for FACE (Facade and Circulation Enhancement Project)

Mitratech Holdings - Law Department Case Management System

Motorola Inc - Amendment to IT Software & Professional Services for 311 System

Richard G. Nore, LLC - Telecommunications Consulting

Smiths Detection - Repair and Maintenance of Two Heimann X-Ray Machines at Concession Checkpoints at O'Hare Airport


Aguirre Building Maintenance, Inc - Janitorial Services - Zone 5

Motorola Inc, Part 1 of 2, Part 2 of 2 - Relocation of the Motorola Centracom System


Chicago Childrens Museum - Time extension and limit increase for PO T26172

CoStar Group Inc - Commercial Real Estate Property Software - Use License Agreement

Mobile Partners - Maintenance Agreement for JASWare Communication Software for City's One Call Center (Digger)


ESRI, Inc. - Proprietary Software for Police and OEMC Geographical Information Systems (GIS) programs

Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. - Extend contract and increase vendor limit for PO 19652

King Fisher & Co. - Two year time extension and vendor limit increase for PO 14838

The Scribble Books Company, Inc - Musical Programs for Kids with Autism

Taleo - Scope amendment change for PO 13033

Melrose Pyrotechnics Inc - Design and production of two fireworks displays for 4th of July

WebTech Wireless Inc - Time extension and vendor limit increase for PO 15230


University of Illinois - Maintenance of Learning Management System, all DVC operations, gaming simulations and virtual World training environments for the Strategic National Stockpile

University of Illinois - Healthy Start Program

Smiths Detection Service Group - Increase number of Heimann X-Ray machines in the service agreement from 3 to 4


Oracle - Vendor Limit Increase for PO T24572

Air One Equipment - Contract Limit Increase for PO 14998

Environmental Safety Group - Extend contract and increase vendor limit for PO 9375

William Filan - Extend contract and increase vendor limit for PO 13429

Hewlitt Packard Co - Extend contract and increase vendor limit for PO 15041


Cyber Shift - IT Professional Services


Derrick Jackson - Expert Consulting Services Related to Firefighters contract negotiations

Big Belly Solar - Solar Trash Compactors

Radiation Monitoring Devices - Maintenance and Repair of the LPA-1 Lead Paint Spectrum Analyzers


J.E. Manzi & Associates - Facade and Circulation Enhancement (FACE) Construction Management for Canopy Remediation

J.E. Manzi & Associates - Project and Construction Management Services for the Facade and Circulation Enhancement Project at O'Hare International Airport


Mitratech Holdings, Inc. - Legal Case Management

Smith Detection - Project Management of the PROTECT system

Motorola Communications and Electronics Inc. - Miscellaneous Motorola Radio Communication Equipment and Related Devices

Motorola Communications and Electronics Inc. - Replacement Parts for 2-Way Radio Equipment

Supporting Information Facts