The following documents are related to a City of Chicago Department of Housing Multifamily Loan Program development at 2008-12 S. Ashland Ave. AIS is currently performing an environmental review of the proposed project under National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations.
The City of Chicago proposes to provide project financing to the Latin United Community Housing Association for the preservation of twelve existing rental units and the creation of ten new affordable units located at 2120-28 N. Mozart St. 2FM is performing an environmental review of the proposed project under National Environmental Policy Act regulations and is acting as the Agency Official with respect to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.
The City of Chicago Department of Housing (DOH) proposes to provide construction financing to The Interfaith Housing Development Corporation of Chicago/Claretian Associates, Inc. (IHDCC/Claretian) for the development of a five-story 81-unit residential building, parking, and amenities at 9216-38 South Burley Avenue and 3211-3229 East 92nd Street.