Chicago Cultural Center New Play Residency

Call for Proposals

DCASE Homepage  >  Chicago Cultural Center  >  New Play Residency Call for Proposals



What: A funded residency for the development of new plays and musicals by Chicago artists

Who: Chicago-based “Producers” with new play/musical development experience who are working with Chicago-based “Dramatists” (see definitions under “Eligibility Requirements”)

Deadline to Apply: Wednesday, November 13, 2024, at 5pm CT

  • Please review all program and eligibility information prior to submitting an application
  • Application link is located at the bottom of this webpage


Information Session (Registration link below; attendance optional):

  • Online: Wednesday, October 30, 2024, 12-1:15pm

Register online for Info Session



The City of Chicago’s Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events (DCASE) programs the Chicago Cultural Center located in downtown Chicago, providing artists and organizations the opportunity to create and showcase their work. Following the success of a new play residency pilot program in December 2023, which supported the development of 3 plays and 1 musical, DCASE now launches the submission-based Chicago Cultural Center New Play Residency. This New Play Residency will provide space, time and funding – up to $12,000 for a play and up to $16,000 for a musical – for collaborative projects between Chicago theatre producers, playwrights, composers, lyricists and librettists who seek to develop a new full-length play or musical.

DCASE is dedicated to supporting artists and cultural organizations, investing in the creative economy, and expanding access and participation in the arts throughout Chicago’s 77 neighborhoods. As a collaborative cultural presenter, arts funder, and advocate for creative workers, our programs and events serve Chicagoans and visitors of all ages and backgrounds, downtown and in diverse communities across our city — to strengthen and celebrate Chicago.

Goals of the New Play Residency include:

  • Position the Chicago Cultural Center as a community asset for the development of new theatre
  • Encourage artistic risk-taking in a Dramatist-centered framework
  • Support a diverse group of artists reflective of the city of Chicago and its cultural landscape
  • Support theater producers and companies operating at diverse scales and with a range of organizational structures
  • Create intersections between performing artists and the public
  • Elevate “Art is Labor” conversations through models of direct investment

Key Points

  • Awards will be up to $12,000 for a play and up to $16,000 for a musical.
  • DCASE anticipates awarding 3-4 residencies.
  • All Residencies culminate in free and public “stand readings” at the Chicago Cultural Center.
  • Rehearsal space is provided at the Chicago Cultural Center, 78 E Washington Street.
  • Special consideration will be given to scripts that:
    • Embrace risk (ex: story, point of view, primary language of text, writing for new audiences, experimental in form or content, etc.);
    • Chart new creative directions for established Dramatist(s), or;
    • Elevate emerging Dramatist(s) with no prior or pending Professional Production.
  • Application requires both “Producer” and “Lead Dramatist” be identified and based in Chicago; the Producer submits application on behalf of the whole creative team.

Eligibility Requirements

The “Producer” is a company, collective, organization or individual that has a commitment to and history with developing new plays or musical theatre works. As the collaborating partner to the Dramatist(s), the Producer provides the administration, structure and personnel to drive the play development process. To maximize the impact of a Dramatist-centered development process, it is highly recommended that the Producer not be a Dramatist on the project. However, if the Producer is an individual, they could have a non-Dramatist role in the project (ex: Director).

“Dramatist” refers collectively to all theatre writers: playwrights, composers, lyricists, and librettists (as defined by Dramatists Guild). The plural form “Dramatist(s)” acknowledges that a project may involve more than one writer or composer, etc.


To be eligible for the Chicago Cultural Center New Play Residency, applicants must meet the following criteria:

For Producers:

  • Must reside/be located within Chicago city limits; proof of Chicago-based operation/residency is required.
  • For an individual serving as Producer, a copy of your valid Illinois Driver’s License, State of Illinois ID or Chicago CityKey will need to be submitted. No other proof of residency is accepted.
  • For an organization serving as Producer, applicant must have an operating budget of less than $500,000. Organization will submit their most recent IRS tax filing to demonstrate operating expenses under $500,000. The submitted tax document is also used to verify the organization’s Chicago address.
  • Must have at least a 2-year history of producing live theatre.
  • Must have prior experience developing at least two (2) new plays/musicals for the stage. Experience developing new plays/musicals must include at least one (1) project that does not involve any Dramatist(s) attached as such to the proposed project.
  • If an individual is serving as Producer, applicant must be at least 18 years of age and cannot be a full-time student in an undergraduate degree program.


For Lead Dramatist:

A Producer may be working with a single Dramatist or a team of Dramatists (as defined above). A “Lead” Dramatist needs to be identified in the application, and the Lead Dramatist must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Is the sole Dramatist or a lead collaborating Dramatist on the proposed script.
  • Must reside within Chicago city limits; proof of Chicago residency is required for application. A copy of Dramatist’s valid Illinois Driver’s License, State of Illinois ID or Chicago CityKey will need to be submitted. No other proof of residency is accepted.
  • Must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Cannot be a full-time student in an undergraduate degree program.


For both Producer and Dramatist(s):

  • Individuals and organizations currently funded by DCASE’s Individual Artist Program (IAP) or a CityArts grant remain eligible; however
    • priority consideration will be given to those not currently receiving either an IAP or CityArts grant, and
    • the project submitted for the New Play Residency cannot be the same project funded by IAP or CityArts.
  • Producers and Dramatist(s) involved as such during the 2023 pilot new play residency at the Chicago Cultural Center are not eligible.
  • Artists or organizations with active or current artist residencies with any other DCASE or City of Chicago department-affiliated artist residency, including any “sister-agency” artist residency (ex: Chicago Park District; Chicago Public Library), are not eligible.

Program Details

  • This opportunity is for the development of new full-length plays and musicals by Chicago artists.
    • Applicants must reside/be located within Chicago city limits. See “Eligibility Requirements” for additional details.
    • Any submitted projects should be for an “Unproduced Script”.
      • As defined by Dramatists Guild, an Unproduced Script is a script that has not been “professionally” produced.
      • A “Professional Production” is considered any full staged, royalty-paying, public production that utilizes at least one performer who belongs to a live performing arts union or guild (e.g., AEA, AGMA, AGVA), employed under such performer’s union or guild contract.
      • Readings, staged readings, AEA workshops, developmental productions, concert versions, etc., are not Professional Productions.
  • All Residencies culminate in free and public “stand readings” at the Chicago Cultural Center.
    • Each project will have a reading on two (2) separate dates.
      • DCASE determines the dates and times of readings in cooperation with awardees.
      • Anticipated 2025 dates for readings include: Saturday, February 15; Sunday, February 16; Saturday, February 22; and/or Sunday, February 23. DCASE may consider additional dates.
  • Awards will be up to $12,000 for a play and up to $16,000 for a musical.
  • Special consideration will be given to scripts that: 1.) embrace risk (ex: story, point of view, primary language of text, writing for new audiences, experimental in form or content, etc.); 2.) chart new creative directions for established Dramatist(s), or; 3.) elevate emerging Dramatist(s) with no prior or pending Professional Production.
  • Application requires both “Producer” and “Lead Dramatist” be identified and reside/be located in Chicago (see “Eligibility Information for documents required for proof of residency/Chicago address).
  • The Producer submits application on behalf of the whole creative team.
    • Only one (1) application will be accepted from a Producer.
    • An artist can only be named as a Dramatist(s) in one (1) application. However, said Dramatist can be attached to other projects if they assume a different roles (ex: dramaturg, actor, stage manager, music director, etc). It is the responsibility of the Producer to confirm that none of their proposed Dramatists are involved as Dramatists in other projects being submitted for this opportunity.
    • Applicant will provide: contact information for producer and lead artist; proof of Chicago residency; for organizations, a recent tax filing; narrative responses to questions; project budget; and work samples.
  • Rehearsal space is provided at the Chicago Cultural Center, 78 E. Washington Street.
    • Plays receive approximately 25 hours of rehearsal time.
    • Musicals receive approximately 35 hours of rehearsal time.
    • Rehearsals at the Chicago Cultural Center can occur January 3, 2025-March 13, 2025.
      • DCASE determines the dates and times of rehearsals in cooperation with awardees.
      • Available times for rehearsals will generally be Monday-Friday 9:30am-9:30pm and Saturday-Sunday 10am-5pm.
      • Awarded projects can use part of their allotted rehearsal time after final public engagements planned for February 2025, if useful (only until March 13, 2025).
    • Public readings do not count towards allotted rehearsal time.
    • This is not a technical residency.
      • DCASE does not provide technical staff during rehearsals or readings.
      • There is minimal access to technical equipment, musical equipment or lighting. See “Facility Information” for additional details.
  • DCASE provides marketing and co-promotion support.
    • DCASE website page with New Play Residency awardee info and links to Producer and Dramatist(s) websites, as appropriate;
    • Chicago Cultural Center website calendar with event listings;
    • Event notices in DCASE digital newsletters;
    • Ongoing digital display with event information on video screens in Chicago Cultural Center;
    • Printed event listing (as insert) in the Chicago Cultural Center guide;
    • Additional marketing as appropriate, including event submission to calendar listings, social media posts, on-site signage, etc.
  • DCASE anticipates awarding 3-4 residencies.

Review Criteria

Applications will be submitted through SurveyMonkey and reviewed by a panel that includes DCASE staff and external reviewers who have theatre or other live art experience as artists and/or cultural workers.

Proposals will be evaluated on:

  • Quality of proposed project. This includes:
    • Producer demonstrates a history of quality work and creative investigation, and capacity for new play/musical development.
    • Producer demonstrates commitment to process that prioritizes Dramatist(s).
    • Lead Dramatist shows a commitment to their craft and theatre arts, relative and in proportion to their time in the industry.
    • Project adds to the range of stories and points of view on Chicago stages.
  • Feasibility of project
    • Project scale is in alignment with the resources of the Residency.
    • Applicant provides a feasible plan for artistic activity to be carried out within a specified timeframe.
    • Applicant has established a realistic budget for the project and prioritizes payment to ensemble members and creatives.
  • Artistic merit of Dramatist(s)
  • Potential impact on Dramatist(s) and Producer.
  • Demonstrated need for space for a specific project in development or new work concept.
  • Additionally, DCASE’s New Play Residency strives for an equitable distribution of support for artists and organizations working and living across the city. When evaluating applications, panelists will be instructed to consider geographic access as one of many criteria to ensure the support of projects created by or serving residents of community areas which have been historically under-resourced.

Budget Information

All applications require submission of a project budget.

  • There is no required budget template. Budget can be organized at the discretion of applicant and outline the full range of itemized expenses.
  • Submitted budgets should prioritize payment to ensemble members and creatives and focus on research and related creative development costs.
    • When applicable, include the hourly rate used to calculate fees.
    • A reasonable line item amount for the Dramatist(s), one that represents compensation for preparing a script prior to the start of rehearsals and/or extensive rewrites outside of rehearsals, can be included in the budget in addition to compensation that represents the Dramatist(s) time in rehearsals.
    • Line items for other primary creatives (ex: Director, Stage Manager, Music Director, Dramaturg, Casting Director) involved in working with the Dramatist(s) prior to the first rehearsal can include both the time spent in rehearsal and reasonable time spent in project preparation outside of rehearsal, as appropriate.
  • Funding is not to be used towards rental costs for other facilities, capital purchases or any direct costs associated with producing a premiere, an external presentation of the work in development, or other production.
  • Reasonable and necessary commuting costs related to rehearsals at the Chicago Cultural Center, including nearby parking, can be included in the budget. This Residency opportunity does not include any parking at the Chicago Cultural Center nor does it offer parking discounts.
  • DCASE will provide and assume the cost of several direct services. Additional costs not listed here should be included in your budget, as applicable. DCASE will provide:
    • ASL and other accessibility services for select engagement programs to be coordinated in advance with awardees and in response to any audience requests, when applicable;
    • Photography for at least one (1) event during Residency to be coordinated in advance with each awardee;
    • Binders for scripts;
    • Printing of full scripts for up to three (3) separate instances (e.g. first rehearsal, final reading, etc.); and
    • Printed program information for the public readings.
  • Applicants are encouraged to consider tax liability, as appropriate to their organizational or individual tax status, when budgeting for the project.
  • It is important that the funding request align with the scale and description of the project. DCASE may award less funding than requested.
  • Budget should be balanced, and expenses should be consistent with project proposal. Consider adding expense details and any clarifying notes in the budget as these can help tell the story and scope of the project.
  • If the proposal is for project development that is part of a larger sequence of developmental workshops, only include project costs for the Chicago Cultural Center portion.

Work Sample

All projects require submission of a script excerpt (20-25 pages), and musicals require the additional submission of 1-2 songs.


Script Work Sample

Applicants will submit a single PDF document with the following materials in this order:


Cover page that includes:

  • Title of work
  • Name of all involved Dramatists
  • Producer name with contact information
  • Synopsis


Character list


Excerpt of the full script (20-25 continuous pages)

  • Any stage play format, including the Dramatist Guild standard format, will be accepted.
  • If applicable, include a short paragraph at the beginning of the excerpt to provide context.
  • Project scripts will be accepted in any language.
  • If the script is primarily in a language other than English, include an English translation of the excerpt as part of the single PDF work sample document (cover page, synopsis, character list, original language script + English translation of script).


Music Work Sample

When submitting proposal for a musical, applicants may submit link(s) for 1-2 songs.

  • Applicant must use URL(s) from an open platform or site like YouTube, Vimeo, or your organization's website, etc.
  • Do not use links to account-based file sharing websites like Dropbox, Google Drive, Instagram, Apple Play, etc. These will not be accepted.
  • The link can be to a video or audio file.
  • The review panel will only review 1-2 songs. Do not provide more than two songs.

Facility Information

The Chicago Cultural Center (78 E. Washington) will be the location for rehearsals and stand readings during the New Play Residency. The Cultural Center can be accessed by multiple CTA train and bus routes and the Millennium Park Metra station. There is no designated parking at the Chicago Cultural Center, but paid parking options can be found throughout the area. Rehearsal spaces include the Studio Theater and the Dance Studio, both located on the first floor. Public readings will be scheduled to take place in the Studio Theater.

  • Current Chicago Cultural Center building hours are Sunday-Saturday, 10am-5pm and are subject to change.
    • Requests for rehearsal times outside of current building hours will be accepted.
    • Applicants for the Residency will be asked to submit their preferred rehearsal schedule and their flexibility for alternative dates and times.
  • Public restrooms are available on the first floor. The Chicago Cultural Center does not have gender neutral or un-gendered bathrooms.
  • There are no dressing rooms or green room. There are limited storage options and applicants should not plan to store materials on site.
  • Music stands are provided for all rehearsals and performances, and chairs and tables are also available.
  • DCASE staff or building staff will be on site for all scheduled rehearsals to assist with any building issues (entry/exit, temperature control, etc.).
  • Musical equipment includes an upright piano or keyboard and keyboard amp.

The Studio Theater is a shared-used space that is primarily managed by the City of Chicago’s Department of Family and Support Services (DFSS). During weekdays until 5pm it is home to activities of the Renaissance Court Senior Center. In the evenings and on weekends it is used by DCASE’s New Play Residency. The Studio Theater footprint, as used by the Residency, is approximately 38.5’ x 23’. The floor has a low pile carpet and the room is accessible. In addition to the floor space mentioned above, there is a 16’ wide x 12’ deep x 16” tall platform stage on the south side of the room. The platform stage has a set of stairs on both upstage left and upstage right sides, each with 2 steps. Currently, the platform stage does not have ramp access. The primary room lighting is fluorescent. There are 5 Fresnel lights pre-set for a general wash on the platform stage only. There is no Residency storage available in this room, but projects will have access to a small “garment” locker in the Dance Studio, if requested. The room includes tables and chairs as required by selected projects. A simple portable PA can be provided for rehearsals if requested.

The Dance Studio is approximately 42’9” x 36’ and fully accessible. The floor is a durable multi-purpose vinyl. One wall of the studio is mirrored and has a curtain that can be drawn over the mirrors. The room lighting is fluorescent. A 2-speaker PA system and small 8-channel audio mixer are in the room for audio playback using a mini jack (3.5mm). The room is also equipped with one wired mic and mic stand, three folding tables and folding chairs, ballet barres. Small garment lockers in this room can be assigned to any New Play Residency project regardless of the rehearsal space assigned (Producer provides lock).

Application / Notification Timeline

  • Monday, October 21, 2024 – Application opens
  • Wednesday, October 30, 2024, 12-1:15pm – Information Session (virtual; optional)
  • Wednesday, November 13, 2024, 5pm, CT – Application deadline
  • December 2024 – Notification of results sent to all applicants

Information Session

A virtual information session will be held Wednesday, October 30, 12-1:15pm. Attendance is optional but encouraged. During the session, DCASE staff will review the details of this program and respond to questions.

Register Online for Info Session

Application Link

DCASE strongly recommends submitting your application earlier than the stated deadline. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted or reviewed.

It is also recommended that you review all application questions before beginning, and that you draft your responses on a separate document and copy/paste them into the application. You will need to complete your application in one session.

Apply Online

Questions / Contact

If you have any questions regarding the Chicago Cultural Center New Play Residency program or the application, contact John Rich, DCASE Dance and Theatre Coordinator. | 312-744-0529


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