CFD Hiring Preference

The City of Chicago offers a Line of Duty preference to qualified applicants for an entry-level sworn Police or uniformed Fire Department position, providing the preference is not superseded by a collective bargaining agreement.
Qualified applicants have immediate family members who:
- Died in the line of duty while serving as sworn Police or uniformed Fire Department personnel.
- Died in the line of duty in a combat zone while serving in the Armed Forces of the United States, the Illinois National Guard, or any reserve component of the United States.
The definition of immediate family member, line of duty, and combat zone will be determined by the appropriate authorizing and governing bodies.
To qualify for the preference, the applicant must otherwise qualify for the job and must be eligible for the position. The preference granted under this section shall be in the form of preference in processing. Applicants who qualify under this section will receive consideration before other qualified applicants for approved, vacant positions unless superseded by a collective bargaining agreement.
Line of Duty Preference Process
The City of Chicago offers Veterans Preference to:
- Current, active military personnel
- Military personnel who have served in the Armed Forces of the United States and have received an honorable or general discharge.
To be eligible, candidates must have at least six months of active duty documented.
Process for obtaining Veterans Preference:
Application - ONE of the following must be present:
- Must answer "Yes" to the online application question: "Are you currently serving on active duty for at least six months in the Armed Forces of the United States?"
- Must answer "Yes" to the online application question: "Have you served in the Armed Forces of the United States on active duty for at least six months and received an honorable or general discharge?"
Required supporting documentation:
Proof of service for veterans - ONE of the following must be provided:
- Copy of your DD214 or comparable discharge documentation which includes character of service status. (Request a DD-214)
- Letter from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs on official stationary stating dates and character of service.
Proof of service for active personnel - BOTH of the following must be provided:
- Letter from your Commanding Officer on official stationary verifying your active duty, length of service, and character of service in the Armed Forces of the United States.
- Copy of your military ID.
Failure to answer one of the required questions and attach the required documentation will result in you not being considered for Veterans Preference.
Qualified applicants that have successfully completed the Chicago Police and Fire Training Academy will be granted preference for an entry position for the sworn Police or uniformed Fire Department position, providing the preference is not superseded by a collective bargaining agreement.
Chicago Police and Firefighter Training Academy (CFPTA)
To qualify for the preference, the applicant must otherwise qualify for the job and must be eligible for the position. The preference granted under this section shall be in the form of preference in processing.
Applicants who qualify under this section will receive consideration before other qualified applicants for approved, vacant positions unless superseded by a collective bargaining agreement.
The City of Chicago offers a CPS Graduate Preference to high school graduates from the Chicago Public School system.
Process for obtaining Chicago Public Schools (CPS) Preference:
Application - The following must be present:
- Must answer "Yes" to the online application question: "Are you a high school graduate of the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) and do you want to be considered for this preference?"
Required documentation - The following must be submitted:
- Copy of your high school transcripts. (Request CPS Student Records and Transcripts)
Failure to answer the question and attach the required documentation will result in you not being considered for CPS Graduate Preference.