Adams Bridge Sidewalks Reopen on Schedule

December 16, 2016

Mike Claffey     312.744.0707 |

Susan Hofer    312.742-2006 |

The Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) today announced that pedestrian access on the Adams Street Bascule Bridge will reopen late this afternoon, following major structural steel repairs on the bridge.

The sidewalks were closed as part of a larger reconstruction of the Adams Street Bascule Bridge, which includes the existing viaduct structure over the Union Station railroad tracks. In addition to the major reconstruction of the bridge over the railroad viaduct, the project will include improvements to the Adams Street and Canal Street intersection, new street lighting and traffic signals, improved roadway drainage, and structural and electrical improvements to the Adams Street Bascule Bridge.

Vehicle and bicycle traffic will remain closed on the bridge until the project is complete early next year.

The Adams Street Bridge is one of Chicago’s 18 iconic bascule bridges over the Chicago River in the Central Business District that raises and lowers to allow for boat traffic on the river. CDOT has rebuilt or substantially repaired 11 of the bascule bridges over the past 20 years, in addition to regular maintenance work done on each bridge every year. This work allows for restoration of their function and extension of their usable life.

Attached is a map with all currently available pedestrian walkways.

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