CDOT To Unveil Results Of Little Village Paseo Feasibility Study For Propused Multi-Use Path At Community Meeting On March 16TH
Public Encouraged to Attend and Provide Input
Mike Claffey 312.744.0707 |
Susan Hofer 312.742.2006 |
The Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) announced it will host a community meeting to discuss the findings of the Little Village Paseo Feasibility Study on Wednesday, March 16. The Little Village Paseo is a proposed 1.3 mile multi-use path from 26th Street and Rockwell Street to 32nd Street and Central Park Avenue. The path would replace an unused rail line in Little Village and provide open space and connections to community resources and public spaces.
The purpose of the meeting is to share the findings from the feasibility study and obtain feedback from residents in Little Village and surrounding neighborhoods.
CDOT initiated the study in early 2015 to determine the feasible path alignments, examine options for path and street crossings, and develop preliminary concepts for the path’s gateway areas. The feasibility study is one of the first steps in the planning process. Detailed designs of the path itself would be developed at a later date in coordination with community stakeholders and residents.
Among the recommendations that will be discuss are the following:
- Installing pedestrian refuge islands at certain crossings.
- Way finding signage at access points.
- Installing marked crosswalks where needed.
- Sidewalk improvements and landscape buffers where needed.
The meeting will be an open house format, so the general public may attend any time between 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. There will be a presentation at 6:30 p.m. Following are the details about the location and time:
Little Village Paseo Feasibility Study Community Meeting:
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Kanoon Magnet Elementary School
2233 S. Kedzie Ave. (Entrance on 23rd St.)
Chicago, IL
6:00 – 8:00 pm; presentation begins at 6:30
Spanish translation will be available. The meeting will be accessible to individuals with a disability.
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