Supporting Information
Alternative Fuels
As part of its ongoing effort to improve air quality, the City of Chicago is working with the Chicago Area Clean Cities (CACC) coalition and the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus to promote the use of alternative fuel vehicles—vehicles powered by "clean" fuels such as compressed natural gas, E85 (85% ethanol, 15% gasoline), propane and biodiesel—in Chicago area fleets.
Chicago Area Clean Cities
CACC is one of 83 Clean Cities coalitions across the country. The City of Chicago coordinates CACC, whose members represent governments, businesses, educational and research institutions, fuel providers, utilities and environmental organizations.
Chicago Conservation Corps' Environmental Leadership Training Program
Find out how you can become a C3 Leader.
Chicago Conservation Corps' Student Clubs
C3 Student Clubs provide a great opportunity for students.
Diesel Retrofit Program
The City of Chicago is retrofitting a portion of the City's diesel-powered fleet using oxidation catalysts (catalytic converters). The City plans to retrofit the entire diesel fleet over time, pending funding availability. The retrofits will improve air quality while reducing the risk of health problems related to diesel exhaust.
Doing Our Share for Cleaner Air: Idling Reduction
Information Regarding Cleaner Air through Idling Reduction
Streetscapes and Sustainable Design
An innovative program which strives to rehabilitate Chicago’s neighborhood commercial areas, riverwalks and bicycle facilities into active, attractive places for Chicagoans to live, work and play.
Sustainable urban infrastructure guidelines should be a link on the Streetscapes page
Water Conservation Tips
Our water is a precious and limited resource. Remember to use only the amount of water you actually need. Look for ways to conserve water in and around your home and place of work.
Water Education Campaign
In 2005, the City developed a campaign called Save the Source to tell you about the actions you can take to conserve water, maintain water quality and better manage stormwater at your home.