Enterprise Applications

Customer Relationship Management

The CRM Program is composed of a suite of software applications that enable the delivery and tracking of many City services that directly touch individual constituents and businesses.

  • Customer Service Request (CSR) system is the City’s cornerstone software application that enables citizens and businesses to request City services to be initiated online or by phone to 311, to be distributed to the appropriate City service departments that deliver the requested services, and to be tracked for status and for outcomes through the completion of the request, which also may be inquired about online or by phone to 311.
  • Administrative Hearings Management System (AHMS) is the software application that enables many of the services provided by the Administrative Hearing Department.   The system coordinates, tracks and reports on the matters which are reviewed and adjudicated relating to the public health, safety, welfare, morals and economic well being of the residents of the City of Chicago. 
  • Permitting / Case Management / Digger  is the software application that enables City services which are provided by several departments such as transportation for trucks axle weight distribution & bridge selection/use permits and for moving vans through the Internet, CASE permits, Citizen Utility Alert Network (CUAN) / Digger.
  • Work / Asset / Inventory Management is a software application that enables the Departments of Aviation and of Streets & Sanitation (i.e., Bureau of Forestry) to track, store, inventory and allocate materials, equipment and assets (e.g.,  City trees) as well as to track and analyze the work performed with these allocated resources.


FMPS (Financial Management and Purchasing Systems) and CHIPPS (Chicago Integrated Personnel and Payroll Systems) 

FMPS and CHIPPS are the major systems of the City of Chicago’s Enterprise Resource Planning suite.  FMPS (Financial Management and Purchasing Systems) is comprised of payables, receivables, general ledger and numerous other modules that ensure City staff process financial transactions with efficiency and accuracy.  CHIPPS (Chicago Integrated Personnel and Payroll Systems) is comprised of human resources and payroll modules that serve as the backbone for maintaining employee records and payroll processing.

The department's program to manage these applications has been in place since go-live in 2002.  The program management team is comprised of skilled technicians, analysts and managers adept in application configuration, database management, business process analysis and project/program management. 

The program team’s purpose is to provide overall vendor management, application management, infrastructure integrity and technical support to all users of the systems.

Working in conjunction with business process leads from Finance, Human Resources and Budget Management, AIS has developed rigorous procedures for moving configurations and enhancements through the production migration path.  The strict procedures are in place to ensure that no outlying codes or fixes will compromise financial and/or payroll processing.


Health and Human Services

HHS Overview

The Health and Human Services (HHS) unit of the Chicago Department of Assets, Information, and Services  provides assistance to Human Infrastructure departments that provides direct services to residents of the City of Chicago.

As business policies and procedures are developed by the various departments, the HHS unit identifies software solutions to meet their business needs.  By functioning as a Business Development Management partner, we work to ensure departments are meeting their outcomes for families in the most cost effective ways. 

Health IT

The Health Information Technology Unit focuses on technology issues relating to general public health concerns as well as providing specialized support to the Chicago Department of Public Health

This unit maintains a diverse portfolio that ranges from support for an Electronic Medical Records system (CHAMPS), health billing systems, food protection application, public health emergency response applications, (including the Health Alert Network), surveillance applications, and other public health related applications. 

The Health Information Technology unit is also heavily involved in the State of Illinois Health Information Exchange efforts.  The unit is divided into three main areas: 

  • Health Applications
  • STI/HIV Applications support
  • Public Health Emergency Response support. 

The latter two sub-units focus on grant-funded activities in the area of STI/HIV and Public Health Emergency Response.

Inspection & Permitting Initiative (IPI)

The Inspection & Permitting Initiative (IPI) Program creates, maintains, and supports the technology utilized for the inspection and permit processes of the City’s property and public way services functions.  The departments responsible for these business functions include Transportation, Buildings, Planning and Development, Public Health, Assets, Information, and Services, Cultural Affairs and Special Events, Fire Prevention Bureau, and Business Affairs and Consumer Protection.  Business processes included in the property and public way services functions relate to:

  1. Applying, reviewing and issuing building and public way permits
    1. Web purchase of permits not requiring plans
    2. Web intake of applications for permits requiring plans (new construction, renovation)
    3. Web intake of Public Way Permits
  2. Applying and renewing trade licenses for general contractors and the various trades
    1. Validation of trade licenses when a permit application is taken
  3. Tracking, scheduling, and recording results of inspections
    1. Permit inspections
    2. Certificate of Occupancy inspections
    3. Annual inspections
    4. Business License inspections
    5. Complaint inspections
    6. Re-inspections
  4. Billing of annual inspections and elevator permit inspections
  5. Tracking violations recorded in the inspection results
    1. Creates a case that will be sent to Administrative Hearing or the Department of Law for prosecution in the Circuit Court
  6. Tracking the status of vacant building complaints and displaying the action the City has taken as authorized by ordinance to remedy the complaint of the vacant building
  7. Providing a website to register vacant buildings as required by ordinance

This function is primarily supported by the Infor (Hansen) Public Sector software.


Procurement / Compliance IT

Banner/C2 Program

The Banner/C2 Program is responsible for the financial and technical oversight, project management/development and vendor management of the following applications:

  • Banner Customer Information System
  • Certification and Compliance Diversity Management System also known as (C2).

The Banner Customer Information System:

  • Provides comprehensive customer accounting facilities for the City’s water and sewer services.
  •  Maintains records of customers, premises, services, accounts, meter readings, and inventory.
  • Provides the means to record and bill for services in a cost effective, efficient, and manageable way.
  • The Banner application is used primarily by the Department of Water Management and the Department of Finance.

Certification & Compliance System (C2)

The C2 System is a web-based tool that provides:

  • Enhanced Minority, Women, and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (MWDBE) Directory with key-word search
  • Online tracking of MWDBE Goal Attainment
  • Online verification of MWDBE payments
  • Flexible reporting capabilities for staff
  • The C2 Diversity Management System is used primarily by the Department of Procurement Services and City contractors.

Revenue IT

IRIS- Integrated Revenue Information System   

IRIS is a custom application that is devoted exclusively to serving the business community.  This application allows for:

  1. The application and renewal of city license(s) in person or on the web
  2. The application of permit(s) for public way privileges
  3. The application and payment of city taxes in person or on the web
  4. The investigation of businesses for licensing and certification compliance
  5. The certification of business cash registers
  6. The certification of various weights and measures
  7. The management and payment for consumer refuse containers

In addition, the application also notifies license holders of any water or parking debt that anyone associated with a business has outstanding.  These notifications allow the business to pro-actively pay outstanding debts before a license is renewed.

ARMS – Account Referral Management System

Used primarily by the Department of Finance/Revenue Division, OBM and Various Departments with Cost Recovery Cases

ARMS is a custom application that primarily:

  1. Refers various types of delinquent City debt and fines to a stables of City authorized law firms for collection.
  2. Records for insurance processing and payment cost recovery cases for a multitude of City departments, such as the Department of Streets and Sanitation, the Department of Transportation  and the Department of Buildings.
  3. Manages employee indebtedness for all City departments and sister agencies.
  4. Validates EMS payments.
  5. Submits City debtors to the State of Illinois for the processing of payments to the City using state refund monies owed to the debtor.
  6. Creates bills issued to venues and organizations for use of City services during profit generating “events” such as ball games and street festivals.

Cashiering System           

The City’s cashiering system consists of:

  1. A front end point of sale (POS) COT (commercial of the shelf software package) that is used to process all in-person payments received at the City’s various payment sites, the City Clerk’s sticker sales offices, the auto pounds and the City’s airports.
  2. A customized backend application for recording revenue and reconciliation processing.   This back end application interfaces with the COT as well as multiple City websites that take payments.

The COT allows the City to stay current regarding payment processing techniques and rules while the backend application manages a multitude of reconciliation processes.  This system has a multi-tiered architecture with a client POS component and a web browser component.