Milwaukee Avenue Urban Identity Study Home
Milwaukee Avenue Special Character Overlay District
The Chicago City Council approved the Milwaukee Avenue Special Character Overlay District (SCOD) in July 2024. Running from Western Avenue to Ridgeway avenue, the Milwaukee Avenue SCOD is intended to protect the neighborhood's unique character while also examining subjects including architecture, demographics, culture and environment.
The following documents provide an overview of the SCOD and the associated guidelines and recommendations:
Design Guidelines

The Milwaukee Avenue SCOD Design Guidelines provide specific guidelines and recommendations to preserve and complement the character and built environment of the Milwaukee Avenue commercial corridor.
Development Review Checklist

Applicants should complete the Development Review Checklist as part of their pre-permit evaluation for exterior renovations and new construction to ensure compliance with the Design Guidelines applicable to your project. Please complete this checklist and submit with your permit application submission documents to assist in your permit review. It is not applicable and not required to submit for interior-only renovations.
The Milwaukee Avenue SCOD generally consists of all lots adjacent to Milwaukee Avenue, between Western Avenue on the south and Ridgeway Avenue on the north.
The overlay district does not apply to:
- Planned Developments approved prior to July 1, 2024
- Parks and Open Space zoning districts, or
- Areas, districts, places, buildings, structures, or works of art designated as Chicago Landmarks.
Proposed projects must be consistent with the design guidelines for rehabilitation, additions, alterations, and new construction. The design guidelines address various aspects of design for existing buildings and new construction.
Any building built, added, altered, or rehabilitated within the Milwaukee Avenue SCOD must be consistent with the design guidelines. The design guidelines apply to:
- New construction or exterior modifications to existing buildings requiring a building permit application.
- New construction or exterior modifications requiring applications for zoning map amendments.
More information is available through the City's interactive zoning map.
For potential development questions, you may reach out directly to your respective aldermanic ward offices:
1st Ward:
35th Ward:
Any additional questions can be emailed to
In addition to the administrative adjustments authorized by Section 17-13-1000, the Zoning Administrator or their designee is authorized to approve an administrative adjustment to waive or modify any district-specific guideline specified in Section 17-7-1504. Such an administrative adjustment may be approved only when the Zoning Administrator or their designee determines that the proposed adjustment meets the following criteria:
- The proposed adjustment results in a development quality equal to or better than what would have been required without the adjustment; and
- The proposed adjustment will be in keeping with the established character of the Milwaukee Avenue Special Character Overlay District; and
- The proposed adjustment meets the general approval criteria of Section 17-13-1007-B.
The following uses are expressly prohibited within the Milwaukee Avenue SCOD:
- Strip centers;
- Drive-through facilities;
- Vehicle sales and service uses involving any outdoor storage of vehicles or goods or car washes;
- Gas stations; and
- Residential storage warehouses.
Character Buildings have been identified as having a unique historical, architectural, or other impact on the district environment. (See pages 72-119 of the Design Guidelines for a database of Character Buildings.)
An application for the demolition of a Character Building, shall include an affidavit certifying that the applicant has provided written notice to the local alderman at least thirty (30) days prior to filing the application. This notice shall include: (a) the street address of the existing Character Building; and (b) the name and mailing address of the applicant.