LaSalle Invitation for Proposals (IFP)
LaSalle Corridor Revitalization
The City of Chicago is revitalizing the LaSalle Street corridor in the Loop with mixed-income residential uses and other neighborhood-oriented amenities.
As of November 2024, five adaptive reuse proposals consisting of 1,365 units of mixed-income housing have been advanced for City financial assistance and received approval from the Community Development Commission for nearly $250 million in Tax Increment Financing (TIF) support.
Collectively representing more than $714 million in total investments, the projects will repurpose 1.6 million square feet of vacant space, including the creation of more than 400 homes that will be affordable to residents earning an average 60% of the area median income.
A Vision for LaSalle StreetTo complement the public and private investments planned for LaSalle Street, the Chicago Departments of Planning and Development (DPD) and Transportation (CDOT) launched a visioning process in 2024 to examine opportunities for creating a more neighborhood-oriented public realm throughout the corridor. In January 2025, DPD and CDOT released A Vision for LaSalle Street, a community-led framework for public realm improvements between Wacker Drive and Jackson Boulevard. The vision outlines 11 planning principles to support the influx of residential units and commercial rehabilitation projects in the central Loop. The vision was informed by hundreds of community members through in-person and online meetings, an electronic survey and outreach through the 34th and 42nd ward offices. A 2025 CDOT engineering assessment of LaSalle’s physical and structural conditions will help inform the City's approach to the funding, design and construction of future enhancements. |
The Context
LaSalle Street is the historic heart of Chicago’s central business district. Lined with high-rises between Wacker Drive and Jackson Boulevard, the corridor has been a center of commercial economic activity for decades, especially for financial institutions, brokerage companies, legal firms, and other entities. More recently, LaSalle has experienced significant office and retail vacancy rates exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing market trends that has shifted most new office investment to the West Loop, leaving millions of square feet of underutilized office space along the corridor.
The Vision
Based on multiple studies and reports, LaSalle’s future can be maximized on behalf of the entire city by revitalizing its monoculture of offices with a mix of new uses and public amenities that extend beyond the typical 9-to-5 workday. The initiative’s goals include five main themes:
- Affordable housing
- Global innovation
- Public realm enhancements
- Neighborhood-oriented amenities
- Historic building sustainability
The Opportunity
A City of Chicago Invitation for Proposals (IFP) issued in September 2022 is offering assistance for the conversion of underutilized commercial spaces with mixed-income residential uses and related public amenities. IFP responses should build on the goals of the Central City Recovery Roadmap (2021), Urban Land Institute Technical Assistance Panel for LaSalle (2022), the Central Area Plan (2009 and 2003) and the draft We Will Chicago framework plan (2022). Summaries of the nine responses are available for review here.
The Experience
To create a more neighborhood-oriented atmosphere within the corridor’s ground-level interior spaces, the Chicago Department of Planning and Development (DPD) is seeking to incentivize locally owned, cultural and dining attractions in vacant storefronts, underutilized building lobbies, and on former banking floors. Grants are being made available for eligible build-out costs through DPD’s Small Business Improvement Fund (SBIF).
The Public Realm
To foster a more neighborhood-oriented public realm along LaSalle's sidewalks and plazas, the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) will conduct an engineering assessment of existing physical and structural conditions on LaSalle to inform the procurement of a world-class team to design a safe, inviting, and innovative public realm. Public engagement for the streetscape visioning study began in spring 2024, and A Vision for LaSalle Street was released in January 2025.
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