Grand Avenue - Chicago to Ogden

Grand Avenue - Chicago to Ogden

person riding bike on street towards viewer with construction cones in background and cars parked curbside.

Complete Streets safety improvements have been installed on Grand Avenue between Chicago Avenue and Damen Avenue to make the street safer and more inviting for everyone — no matter how you get around — and improve neighborhood access to local businesses. Construction is upcoming on the next segment of the project — Grand Avenue from Damen Avenue to Ogden Avenue.

Project Goals & Infrastructure Highlights

CTA bus stopped at bus stop with a concrete bus boarding island separating the travel lane from green painted bike lane.
Bus Boarding Islands

Provide exclusive spaces for bus riders to increase comfort and to streamline transit so buses do not need to merge in and out of traffic at stops

Person biking towards viewer in green painted bike lane separated from vehicle travel lane by concrete curb.
Protected Bike Lanes

Provide exclusive space for people biking to physically separate them from motor vehicle traffic on Grand Ave

Person crossing street in crosswalk through concrete refuge island.
Pedestrian Refuge Islands

Reduce crossing distances for people walking across Grand Ave

CTA bus pulled over at curbside stop in red bus only lane with a line of people waiting to board.
Raised Crosswalks

Slow traffic entering Grand Ave from side streets and allow pedestrians to cross at grade

20 MPH Speed Limit sign
Upgraded Traffic Signals

Including pedestrian countdown timers and Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS) make the experience at signalized intersections safer to navigate for pedestrians and drivers

person riding bike waiting at protected intersection
Street Trees & Expanded Sidewalk

Create a more vibrant and walkable corridor

Project Location

Grand Avenue from Chicago Ave to Ogden Ave.


