Belmont Avenue - Kimball to Western / Clybourn

Belmont Avenue - Kimball to Western / Clybourn

Person standing next to table with printed neighborhood map displayed on it
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CDOT has transformed Belmont Avenue between Kimball Avenue and Western Avenue / Clybourn Avenue with a bold design that prioritizes and balances the needs of people walking, biking, and riding the bus throughout the day. This segment of Belmont provides connections to the CTA Belmont Station, the 312 RiverRun trail, and multiple intersecting bike routes.

The new protected bike lanes also connect with those on Campbell Avenue and lead into the Roscoe and School Street routes, providing low-stress access all the way to the Lakefront Trail. As a crosstown route, Belmont crosses significant network barriers like the Kennedy Expressway and the North Branch of the Chicago River that would otherwise separate communities, making this project critical for everyday users.

Project Outcomes

  • Improves bus operations through dedicated bus lanes and bus boarding infrastructure
  • Enhances pedestrian safety by shortening crossing distances with bump-outs and bus boarding infrastructure
  • Expands Chicago’s low-stress bike network on a key east-west connection
  • Connects with CTA Blue Line, Kedzie Avenue and Campbell protected bike lanes, and other cycling networks
  • Creates key cycling connection over the Chicago River
  • Provides better access to local businesses
Infrastructure Highlights

Person biking towards viewer in green painted bike lane separated from vehicle travel lane by concrete curb.
Protected Bike Lanes

Exclusive space for people biking to physically separate them from motor vehicle traffic on Belmont Ave, especially at bridges and underpasses

CTA bus pulled over at curbside stop in red bus only lane with a line of people waiting to board.
Dedicated Bus Lanes

Dedicated lanes to help prevent buses from getting stuck in traffic and to keep other vehicles clear from bus stops

CTA bus stopped at bus stop with a concrete bus boarding island separating the travel lane from green painted bike lane.
Bus Boarding Islands

Exclusive spaces for bus riders to increase comfort and to streamline transit so buses do not need to merge in and out of traffic at stops

Person crossing street in crosswalk through concrete refuge island.
Pedestrian Safety Infrastructure

Curb bump-outs and concrete refuge islands to reduce crossing distances for people walking across Belmont Ave

20 MPH Speed Limit sign
20 MPH Speed Limit

Lowered speed limits and narrower travel lanes to reinforce safer vehicle speeds and a lower-stress environment for people on foot and on bike

person riding bike waiting at protected intersection
Protected Intersection

A protected intersection at Belmont Ave and Kedzie Ave to give cyclists a safer, more visible space to wait for signals and reduce conflicts with vehicles at the wide multi-lane crossing

Project Location

Belmont Avenue from Kimball Avenue to Western / Clybourn.

