Chicago Energy Benchmarking Homepage

The City of Chicago has released the 2021 Chicago Energy Benchmarking Report.

Under the Chicago Energy Benchmarking Ordinance, the City reports annually on energy findings and trends, and the ordinance authorizes the City to share building-specific data with the public beginning with buildings' second year of reported information.

Benchmarking Compliance

The compliance deadline for benchmarking reports is June 1. As a reminder, energy benchmarking reports are due annually from all properties, and data verification is required once every three years. To determine if you are required to verify data this year, check the compliance notification letter sent by the City, which you should receive by mid to late March. You can also find the year of next verification on the Covered Buildings List.

The City is now accepting 2025 benchmarking reports (2024 data). If you are ready to report, click here to send your data via ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager.

New to reporting? Please review the Chicago Energy Benchmarking Ordinance to determine if your building is required to report. Then, follow our instructions on getting started on reporting. If you believe your building has reported in the past, double check to make sure it is included on the Covered Buildings List. Please contact the Chicago Energy Benchmarking Help Desk with any questions - (855) 858.6878 (M-F 9am-5pm) or email

Please be advised that communications from unauthorized third party service providers may contain inaccurate information regarding City benchmarking requirements. All official communications from the City regarding benchmarking compliance will be clearly marked as a “CITY OF CHICAGO OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION.” If you receive benchmarking notifications from someone other than the City of Chicago, please report the messages to the Chicago Energy Benchmarking Help Desk at (855) 858.6878 (M-F 9am-5pm) or email so they may be reviewed and dealt with appropriately. As a reminder, the City of Chicago provides helpful tools and resources and a fully staffed Help Desk to assist building contacts meet Chicago energy benchmarking requirements, at no cost. 

Chicago Energy Rating System

The Chicago Energy Rating System improves the visibility and transparency of the information reported under Chicago Energy Benchmarking. Some of the benefits of this update are provided in this summary, and this FAQ document provides answers to frequently asked questions. The full ordinance can be downloaded here.

For more information, visit the Chicago Energy Rating System website.

Taking Action on Energy Efficiency

Have you benchmarked one or more buildings, and are looking to take the next steps on energy efficiency? Click here to learn about suggestions and resources for starting to improve the energy performance of your property(ies).

Quick Links:

The menu below provides a full list of the resources available on this website. Click one of the buttons below for an Overview, or find detailed Instructions, Training, Request Forms, or Results & Analysis:


Questions? We Can Help!

Call the Chicago Energy Benchmarking Help Center at 855.858.6878 (M-F, 9am-5pm) or email

Additional Information

2021 Chicago Building Energy Benchmarking Report

2021 Chicago Energy Benchmarking Report

2021 Chicago Building Energy Benchmarking At-A-Glance  (Infographic)

2021 Chicago Energy Benchmarking At-A-Glance

2024 Building Energy Report (2023 Data) - Chicago Data Portal

Thumbnail of 2023 Energy Benchmarking Report with Data Collected from 2022


Chicago Energy Benchmarking Support

“This ordinance will help to capture the information to enable better informed real estate decisions and unlock the market for energy efficiency.  We believe that this ordinance addresses key business and policy priorities in our sector, including saving money, creating local jobs, protecting our health, and promot[ing] Chicago’s position as a leading sustainable city to attract new business and succeed in the global market place.”

– Commercial and Residential Real Estate Management Executive


“Energy efficiency is not a passing fad; it has become a core value and operating principle for many of Chicago’s largest corporate tenants, condo owners, and residential tenants.”

– Commercial and Residential Real Estate Manager


“Energy [benchmarking and] disclosure [across our management portfolio of more than 1,000 buildings] has helped [condominium] board members feel comfortable making decisions to improve efficiency because they have more accurate data on which to base their decision. They are also able to better quantify the investment and return they will generate. We have found that the more informed owners are about their building’s environmental impact, the more empowered they are to improve it.”

– Residential Portfolio Director of Operations


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