Supporting Information
Shakman Settlement
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Accommodation Request Forms
Accommodation Procedures for Employees and Applicants with Disabilities
Classification and Compensation
The City of Chicago’s Salary Ordinance is officially referred to as the “Regulations Governing the Administration of the Classification Plan and Employee Benefits for Classified Positions Set Forth In the Annual Appropriation Ordinance”. These regulations contain provisions governing compensation administration and benefits for all city positions.
Attorney Vacancies
City of Chicago Department of Law Attorney vacancies.
Chicago Film Office — Current Casting Information
Information on casting calls in Chicago.
Chicago Made
Chicago’s local creatives, entrepreneurs and artisans make our city the artistic and economic hub that it is. Chicago’s TV and Film, Music and other creative industries jump-start neighborhood growth, drive cultural identities and lead ingenuity felt worldwide. We’re here to support Chicago’s makers and dreamers by connecting them to the resources they need to get started and keep going.
City Human Resource Policies
City of Chicago Human Resources Policies
City of Chicago Employment Plans
Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Police Department and City of Chicago Hiring Plans.
Collections, Ownership and Administrative Litigation Assistant Corporation Counsel Supervisor/Senior
Contextualized Literacy for the Workplace Program Locations
Contextualized Literacy is designed to raise the literacy levels of participants within a particular occupational context. Adult learners with low academic skill levels advance more rapidly when their learning is contextualized to a particular career or industry.
Customized Job Training for Ex-Offender Program Locations
The customized job training program provides opportunities for ex-offenders to develop skills through specific training that meets employer demand.
Customized Training and Placement Service Locations
Customized training provides participants with comprehensive training linked to full-time employment in specific fields. The focus is on high-demand occupations in manufacturing, service industries and healthcare.
Customized Work Services for Ex-Offenders Program Locations
In partnership with the Department of Streets and Sanitation, the Customized Work Services Program combines elements of a transitional jobs program will with various City of Chicago work services projects.
DCASE Opportunities
Find out what opportunities are offered by the Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events (DCASE), fellow City departments and community partners.
Deferred Attorney Extern
The Department of Law is interested in placing law graduates and licensed attorneys in our Extern Program. This program is designed to provide participants with a challenging, unpaid externship that reflects the demands and rewards of public service. This program is for attorneys who have been hired by law firms, but their start dates have been deferred or they have been offered a “sabbatical” leave to provide pro bono work.
Domestic Violence and the Work Place - Employment Protections
While many victims of domestic violence fear they will be discriminated against by their employers after they disclose their situations, there are federal laws, which can provide job protection. If you believe you have been discriminated against because of domestic violence, talk with a lawyer or advocate to learn more about your legal rights and options.
Domestic Violence and the Work Place - Victim’s Economic Security and Safety Act (VESSA)
The Illinois Victim’s Economic Security and Safety Act, or VESSA, provides up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to an employee who is a victim of or who has a family member who is a victim of domestic or sexual violence to address issues arising from domestic or sexual violence.
Gift Restrictions - A Plain English Guide
Before they accept any gift, City employees and officials should consider not only whether the law permits them to keep the gift, but whether accepting it may create the perception that their independent judgment will be compromised.
Hiring and Layoff Reports
You may view listings of the job titles and departments involved in the Reduction-in-Force taken by the City of Chicago in 2008 and 2009 due to budget shortfalls
Human Resources Office Locations
Various locations for the Human Resources Department.
Innovative Programs for Underserved Populations Locations
Innovative programs provide employment-related services tailored to the needs of underserved populations such as immigrants, veterans, persons with disabilities, the homeless, non-custodial parents, persons with chemical dependencies and persons with criminal backgrounds.
Investigation of Discrimination Complaints
The Commission on Human Relations receives, investigates, and rules on discrimination complaints filed under the Chicago Human Rights Ordinance and Chicago Fair Housing Ordinance.
Job Specifications
Positions are principally administrative, clerical or fiscal in character.
Line of Duty Preference
The preference granted under this section shall be in the form of preference in processing. Applicants who qualify under this section will receive consideration before other qualified applicants for approved, vacant positions unless superseded by a collective bargaining agreement.
Outside Employment Restrictions
Several provisions of the Governmental Ethics Ordinance (Municipal Code of Chicago, Chapter 2-156) contain restrictions relevant to City employees who have employment or business interests outside of City government.
Police Job Specifications
Positions perform public safety activities for the City's Police Departments
Post Employment Restrictions
The Governmental Ethics Ordinance, Chapter 2-156 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, contains post-employment restrictions that apply to all former employees and officials of the City.
Post-Graduate Fellowship Program
The City of Chicago Department of Law invites applications from graduating law students seeking full-time or part-time placements for law school funded post-graduate fellowships.
Re-Entry Support Program Locations
The community re-entry support program is setup to reduce recidivism among the formerly incarcerated by providing a "navigator" that will refer the ex-offender to agencies that deliver case management, skill assessments, individual goal development, job-training, housing, substance abuse counseling and other support services.
Recursos sobre discriminación en español / Discrimination Resources in Spanish
La Comisión de Relaciones Humanas publica información en español sobre las Ordenanzas de Discriminación en la Ciudad de Chicago y como se hacen cumplir. Usted puede descargar información usando el link que aparece abajo.
Respond to a Discrimination Complaint Filed Against You
The Commission on Human Relations receives, investigates, and rules on discrimination complaints filed under the Chicago Human Rights Ordinance and Chicago Fair Housing Ordinance.
Senior Employment Programs
The Senior Community Service Employment Program, sponsored by the Illinois Department on Aging, is a training program designed to assist the mature worker (at least 55 years old) in re-entering the job market. It operates under a grant from the U.S. Department of Labor under the Title V of the Older Americans Act.
Settlement and Mediation of Discrimination Cases
The Commission on Human Relations receives, investigates, and rules on discrimination complaints filed under the Chicago Human Rights Ordinance and Chicago Fair Housing Ordinance.
TIFWorks Program
TIFWorks is the primary workforce development initiative of the City of Chicago. Financed by Tax Increment Financing, the program trains new and existing workers in new fields of expertise.
Transitional Jobs Program Locations
Transitional Jobs provide temporary, publicly-subsidized employment that combines work, skill development, job readiness training and supportive services to help participants overcome substantial barriers to employment.
Transitional Jobs for Ex-Offenders Program Locations
The Transitional Jobs Program for ex-offenders provides temporary publicly subsidized employment that combines work, skill development and supportive services to help participants overcome substantial barriers to employment. The program provides services that rapidly place recently released persons with felony convictions into paid work experience assignments.
WIA Bridge Training Program Locations
WIA Bridge Training Program Locations
WIA Workforce Center for Business Locations
The Workforce Centers for Businesses focus on assisting employers with their workforce development and staffing needs. The centers target employers representing industries including manufacturing, hospitality and tourism, retail and a range of customer service operations. Center staff will assess the employer’s workforce needs, including the identification of skill gaps or critical skills shortages in their current workforce.
WIA Youth In-School Program Locations
The federal Workforce Investment Act (WIA) supports youth workforce services which provide an individualized combination of education, skill enhancement, career exploration, job-readiness skills, apprenticeships and internships, and occupational training that lead to employment or post-secondary education.
Wild Mile Chicago
Wild Mile Chicago is a planned floating eco-park located on the North Branch Canal of the Chicago River, a manmade channel along the east side of Goose Island between Chicago Avenue and North Avenue.
Workforce Development and Employment Services Delegate Agency Site Locations
Workforce Development and Employment Services Delegate Agency services listed with site locations and contact information.
Youth Ready Chicago Regional and Career Development Centers
This program offers year-round youth workforce development services focused on career awareness, exploration, preparation and job placement to Chicago youth ages 14-21. Each YRC Career Development Center will also work to place more than 120 youth annually in private-sector and community-based employment opportunities.