Supporting Information
3 Simple Steps to Obtain a Business License
To prepare yourself before applying for a City of Chicago business license, you must first decide what type of business you are interested in starting. Prepare a business plan that will suit your short and long term goals.
We encourage you to visit BACP online for more information on business planning, connecting with resources and other important information to help you in being successful.
A Plan for Economic Growth and Jobs
"A Plan for Economic Growth and Jobs" was created by World Business Chicago under the direction of Mayor Rahm Emanuel to leverage the the city's unique economic assets.
Administrative Adjustments
Administrative adjustments are intended to provide a streamlined approval procedure for minor modifications of selected zoning standards.
Bicycle Messenger License
A Bicycle Messenger Service License is required for companies that operate bicycle messenger services in the City of Chicago Central Business District. The license is issued at the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection office located at 2350 W. Ogden Avenue, First Floor.
Business Enterprises Owned by People with Disabilities (BEPD) Initiative
The Business Enterprises Owned by People with Disabilities (BEPD) Program is a certification aimed at stimulating the utilization of small businesses owned and operated by persons with disabilities.
Business License Forms
Business License Forms
Campaign Financing Ordinance
Campaign Financing Ordinance of the City of Chicago
Central Area Action Plan
The Central Area Action Plan (CAAP) contains information intended to encourage the implementation of policies and projects essential for the Central Area’s effective functioning, growth and quality of life.
Chicago Area Clean Cities
CACC is one of 83 Clean Cities coalitions across the country. The City of Chicago coordinates CACC, whose members represent governments, businesses, educational and research institutions, fuel providers, utilities and environmental organizations.
Chicago Landmark Designation: Marina City
The Commission on Chicago Landmarks voted in favor of a final recommendation to City Council that Marina City be designated as a Chicago Landmark.
Chicago Revealed
Chicago Revealed introduces viewers to the people and places that make Chicago what it truly is - a dynamic city with something new to discover around every corner.
City-County Collaboration on Cigarette Investigations
City-County Collaboration on Cigarette Investigations
Classes of Liquor Licenses
Classes of Liquor Licenses
Clean & Green
Check out the details on the City's Annual clean & Green Day of Service.
Consolidated Notices for Businesses
Tickets Issued to Corporate Vehicles
DCASE Opportunities
Find out what opportunities are offered by the Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events (DCASE), fellow City departments and community partners.
Diesel Retrofit Program
The City of Chicago is retrofitting a portion of the City's diesel-powered fleet using oxidation catalysts (catalytic converters). The City plans to retrofit the entire diesel fleet over time, pending funding availability. The retrofits will improve air quality while reducing the risk of health problems related to diesel exhaust.
Enterprise Zone Program
The Enterprise Zone Program provides state and city incentives to help local businesses expand. Enterprise zones are geographic areas designated by the city and certified by the state of Illinois to receive various tax incentives and other benefits.
Environmental Rules and Regulations
CDPH enforces the Rules and Regulations in cooperation with other City departments where applicable
Focal Point Community Campus
The Chicago Southwest Development Corporation (CSDC) is proposing to develop the mixed-use Focal Point Community Campus on approximately 30 acres of land at the southwest corner of West 31st Street and South Kedzie Avenue in the Little Village neighborhood.
Food Establishment Signs, Regulations & Forms
Food Establishment Signs, Regulations and Forms
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions about Driveway Permit
General Contractors License
Information on General Contractors License
Gift Restrictions - A Plain English Guide
Before they accept any gift, City employees and officials should consider not only whether the law permits them to keep the gift, but whether accepting it may create the perception that their independent judgment will be compromised.
Governmental Ethics Ordinance/ Rules & Regs / Executive Orders
Chapter 2-156 (Prior Code §26.2) of the Municipal Code of Chicago as amended, effective November 1, 2012
Industrial Corridor Modernization Initiative
The Department of Planning and Development (DPD) initiated a public process in spring 2016 to refine land use policies for continued growth and private investment in the City’s Industrial Corridor system
Investigation of Discrimination Complaints
The Commission on Human Relations receives, investigates, and rules on discrimination complaints filed under the Chicago Human Rights Ordinance and Chicago Fair Housing Ordinance.
Job Order Contracts (JOC) Sub-Order Releases
Various City Department's Job Order Contracts (JOC) Sub-Order Releases
Definition of a Lobbyist.
Late Hour Liquor License Application Process
Businesses wishing to remain open beyond the regular time of closing may obtain a Late Hour Liquor License if they meet certain criteria and follow the application process.
License Application Requirements Information
Information resource for standard business license application requirements.
License Reform Information
Information resource list for the business license reform ordinance.
Liquor License Eligibility
The City of Chicago’s liquor license application process is designed to ensure that liquor licenses are issued only to persons who meet the eligibility requirements of the Chicago Municipal Code and the Illinois Liquor Control Act.
Liquor License Inspections
Liquor License Inspections
Liquor License Restrictions and Moratoriums
Liquor License Restrictions and Special Regulations
Lobbying FAQ's
The following is representative of situations where a person is NOT lobbying.
Lobbyist Filing Requirements
The Governmental Ethics Ordinance requires persons who lobby City government to register with the Board of Ethics and regularly file activity reports (or termination notices, where appropriate).
Lobbyist Forms
Please note that anyone may print or download these blank forms and the filing instructions that accompany them, but the Board of Ethics will not accept for filing any form that is returned to the Board's offices electronically. Only those forms delivered to the Board in person or by mail that contain hand-written signatures can be accepted by the Board of Ethics for filing in compliance with the relevant provisions of the City's Governmental Ethics Ordinance.
Millennium Park Private Events
The sky’s the limit when hosting an event in Chicago’s Millennium Park. Located in the heart of the City, Millennium Park is easily accessible to all major hotels, restaurants and transportation hubs and is the perfect location for your high profile events.
Mobile Food Truck Licenses
Mayor Emanuel introduced an ordinance passed by the City Council to expand mobile food vehicle operations in neighborhoods across Chicago.
Navy Pier Kiosk License
A Navy Pier Vendor license is required for businesses located at Navy Pier engaged in sales of merchandise or food on indoor and/or outdoor pushcarts/kiosks, which are stationary and in the designated space as per the vendor's lease agreement with Navy Pier.
Office of the Zoning Administrator
Information for sending correspondence to the Office of the Zoning Administrator
Ordinance, Publications and Additional Chicago Landmark Information
A list of landmark-related publications by Commission on Chicago Landmarks, including the Landmarks Ordinance, Permit Review schedule and guidelines, and the "U.S. Secretary of the Interior Standards for Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings."
Overview of the Contracting Process
This page contains information on the Contracting Process
Pharmaceutical Representative Licensing
A “Pharmaceutical Representative” (MCC 4-6-310) – is a person who markets or promotes pharmaceuticals to health care professionals while both are within the City of Chicago for more than fifteen calendar days per year. Exemptions include: Medical Science Liaisons, Wholesale Distributors, and pharmaceutical representative managers or supervisors who do not interact directly with health care professionals while in the City of Chicago.
Plan Examination
The Department of Planning and Development reviews building permit applications to ensure plans are in compliance with the Chicago Zoning Ordinance.
Post Employment Restrictions
The Governmental Ethics Ordinance, Chapter 2-156 of the Municipal Code of Chicago, contains post-employment restrictions that apply to all former employees and officials of the City.
Recursos sobre discriminación en español / Discrimination Resources in Spanish
La Comisión de Relaciones Humanas publica información en español sobre las Ordenanzas de Discriminación en la Ciudad de Chicago y como se hacen cumplir. Usted puede descargar información usando el link que aparece abajo.
Resolution to Amend the Rules and Regulations of the Commission on Chicago Landmarks
Resolution to Amend the Rules and Regulations of the Commission on Chicago Landmarks information.
Rules and Regulations
Rules and Regulation - Business Affairs and Consumer Protection
Service Animals
Service animals are animals that are individually trained to perform tasks for people with disabilities such as guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling wheelchairs, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, or performing other tasks.
Settlement and Mediation of Discrimination Cases
The Commission on Human Relations receives, investigates, and rules on discrimination complaints filed under the Chicago Human Rights Ordinance and Chicago Fair Housing Ordinance.
Special Events Resource Guide
Download the 2024 Special Events Resource Guide.
Stationary Engineer License
Important information about City of Chicago stationary engineer licenses.
Steps in the Liquor License Application Process
Steps in the Liquor License Application Process
Tax Application and Affidavit Forms
Forms used to correspond with the Tax Division
Tax Audit Information
Information about tax audits conducted by the Tax Division of the Department of Finance
Tax Information - EN ESPANOL
Información sobre los impuestos de Chicago
Tax Information Bulletins
Information Bulletins regarding various tax issues
Tax List
List of taxes enforced by the Tax Division of the Department of Finance
Tax Preparer Business Information
Tax Preparation businesses are required to prepare and submit a Disclosure Form pursuant to Municipal Code 4-44-030[1].
Tax Reasonable Cause Guidelines for Penalty Waiver Requests
Reasonable Cause Standards to Abate Late and/or Failure to File Penalties
Tax Returns
Effective 1/1/2016, in accordance with URPO Ruling #5, tax collectors and taxpayers must file their tax returns electronically.
Tax Rulings
List of tax rulings released by the Department of Finance
Temporary Animal Exhibition Permits
Effective January 1, 2013, all Animal Exhibitions, 30 days or less, will no longer require an Animal Care License issued by the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection. Instead, Temporary Animal Exhibitions will require a permit issued by the Chicago Commission on Animal Care and Control (CACC)
Top Tips for Liquor Licensees
Top Tips for Liquor Licensees
WIA Workforce Center for Business Locations
The Workforce Centers for Businesses focus on assisting employers with their workforce development and staffing needs. The centers target employers representing industries including manufacturing, hospitality and tourism, retail and a range of customer service operations. Center staff will assess the employer’s workforce needs, including the identification of skill gaps or critical skills shortages in their current workforce.
West Loop Resource Guide
To better guide the development of the West Loop, the Department of Planning and Development (DPD) has gathered maps, plans, ongoing initiatives, and other resources in one place for easier access.
What to Expect During A Tobacco Investigation
Find information on what to expect during a tobacco investigation including what an investigator checks to ensure that the business is in compliance with all the tobacco-related ordinances.
Who is the CCHR?
The Commission on Human Relations promotes appreciation of Chicago's diversity and works to eliminate prejudice and discrimination. Commissioners, advisory councils, and staff conduct pro-active programs of education, intervention, and constituency building to discourage bigotry and bring people from different groups together.
ZBA Resolutions - 1982-Present
An archive of decisions made by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Department of Planning and Development from 1982 to the present.