FY 2025 Public Budget Engagement

Chicago Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Engagement



The Mayor's Office and the Office of Budget and Management (OBM) are building towards year-round budget engagement with a three-phase community engagement approach for the fiscal year (FY) 2025 Budget, starting Spring 2024.


Register Here for the Round Tables


Read below to learn more about the City's budget, our

approach to public engagement, and how you can get involved.



The Johnson Administration and OBM are conducting engagement on the FY2025 Budget through a framework of Participation, Equity, Education, and Transparency & Accountability.

The public can leave a comment or share an idea on any topic relating to the City's 2025 Budget by clicking HERE or scanning the code below. Topic areas include but are not limited to:


  •  Affordable Housing and Services for People at Risk of or Experiencing Homelessness  
  • Community Safety
  • Environmental Justice and Infrastructure
  • Neighborhood & Community Development and Arts & Culture
  • Public Health and Mental Health


QR Code to the open ended 2025 budget engagement survey


Your comments and ideas will be incorporated with data collected from the three phases of community engagement and will inform the City's budget development for FY2025.

Additional information on the three-phase engagement approach for the FY2025 Budget:

Phase I – Engage with Existing City Working Groups

Two women and one man conversing at a desk.

Phase II – Stakeholder Budget Engagement Co-Design

Budget Director, Annette Guzman speaks at the 2023 Chicago Youth Budget Roundtable

Phase III – Broad Public

Chicago Mayor, Brandon Johnson speaks at the 2023 Chicago Youth Budget Roundtable