Learning About Immigration
Several academic and non-profit institutions have done extensive research on immigration. They have compiled their findings into public reports which outline a variety of different immigration topics, including the economic benefits of immigration and the cultural contributions of new Americans. You can find a short summary and link to a selection of academic reports below.
A Dozen Facts About Immigration – The Brookings Institute
The authors lay out the statistical facts about immigration in the United States, highlighting its economic benefits, the historical change in immigration patterns, and the educational and occupational composition of immigrants.
New Americans in Chicago – New American Economy
This brief finds that immigrants play a crucial economic role in Chicago. Immigrants are hmore likely to be entrepreneurs in the city, with 39,000 immigrant-owned businesses generating $659 million in 2016. Immigrant households earned $16.9 billion in 2016 and contributed $4.4 billion in federal taxes and $1.6 billion in state and local taxes in 2016.
Illinois Refugee Resettlement Program 2018 Annual Report
The Illinois Refugee Resettlement Program facilitates relocation and economic self-sufficiency to people who are victims of political and religious persecution that have been granted the legal right to rebuild their lives in the United States. Illinois resettled a total of 724 refugees in 2018. Half of all refugees were children under age 18. The top five countries of origin were Burma, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ukraine, Afghanistan, and Iraq.
America is Home – Cities for Citizenship
This report outline how individuals, families, cities and counties benefit by investing in citizenship. When a U.S. Lawful Permanent Resident becomes a U.S. citizen, their economic outlook significantly improves. Their employment rate rises by 2.2%, and their earnings increase 8-11% compare to individuals who are eligible to naturalize but haven't yet done so. Naturalized citizens are about twice as likely as non-citizens to be homeowners (66% to 34%,) and have a larger impact on their local economies.
Immigration & Civics: What Every American Should Know - The Aspen Institute
This report gives the perspective of dozens of subject-matter experts on what longtime Americans need to know to understand immigrant experiences in America. It also explores the knowledge new Americans need to acclimate to life in the United States.
Urban Refuge: How Cities Are Building Inclusive Communities – International Rescue Committee
This report explores the initiative that city governments around the world have shown in building inclusive communities for displaced people. The authors outline what the private sector and international humanitarian actors can do to complement and enhance municipal inclusion efforts.