Invitation for the Mayor

Invite the Mayor to an event, or request a meeting with the Mayor by filling out the electronic form and submitting it to the Mayor's Office Scheduling team.

If desired, you may send the Mayor’s Office an invitation or meeting request via paper mail. Please include the following:

Name of organization and event organizer
Description of Event
Date of Event
Address of Event, including City, State and ZIP Code
Contact Name and Phone Number
Is this event open press?
Is there a speaking program?

Mail requests to the address below:

Office of the Mayor
121 North LaSalle Street
City Hall, Room 406
Chicago, Illinois 60602
Attention: Scheduling

Please note that we cannot accept invitations less than two weeks in advance.

For security purposes, please refrain from using Mayor’s name on any media or promotional materials in the meantime. We look forward to working with you.

Service Facts

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